Sunday, April 30, 2017

Quédate con nosotros. (2017-04-30, domingo, pascua 3)

[__01__]   / [__02__]   

Acabamos de leer el Evangelio sobre el viaje de 2 viajeros. Luego, un tercer viajero llega y comienza a caminar con ellos, en el viaje de 7 millas de Jerusalén a Emaús.

El tercer viajero que viene es un invitado en sus vidas, un visitante en sus vidas. El tercer viajero es Jesús, aunque él no es reconocido / visto como Jesús.
Todo lo que saben es que este es un visitante, un invitado.
También damos la bienvenida a Jesús como un visitante en nuestras vidas todos los días. Él es el visitante que viene a nosotros en el Bautismo, en la Sagrada Comunión, cuando recibimos la Confirmación, y cuando celebramos una boda, el matrimonio en la iglesia.
Él es el invitado de honor. Jesús, Amén, es el visitante que entra en nuestras vidas cuando nos sentamos con él, cuando hablamos con él, cuando lo escuchamos en oración.

Al final de las 7 millas, de la carretera a Emaús, los 2 viajeros invitan a su INVITADO a quedarse con ellos:
Aunque no lo reconozcan:
(► leccionario )
"Quédate con nosotros, porque es casi la tarde y el día está casi terminado." (Lucas 24: ___)
Quédate con nosotros. Quédate conmigo. Esta era su oración.
Esto también puede ser su oración, nuestra oración, si usted no hace otra oración cada noche, simplemente pídale a Dios que esté con usted, para quedarse con usted.
Jesús es el visitante.
[__03__]     [__03__] A veces vamos como visitante o como invitado a la casa de alguien.
Y, se espera que se comporten de manera diferente, para ser especialmente cortés.
A la casa de un amigo, vamos a disfrutar de un juego o deportes o alguna actividad.
Cuando los huéspedes llegan y cuando los huéspedes están alrededor, creo que 3 cosas pueden suceder. Me gustaría hablar de 3 cosas, que son:

Cuando un huésped entra en nuestra casa, tenemos curiosidad, hablamos con la persona, hacemos preguntas.
Se me ha enriquecido en los últimos años no sólo por los amigos de mi edad, sino también por mi conexión con mi madre o el padre de un amigo. Por supuesto, no reemplazan a mi mamá o papá, pero los amo de una manera similar. Y, son similares a una mamá o un papá a mí. Y me aman como si yo fuera su hijo.

[__04__]     Cuando llega un invitado, tenemos curiosidad, estamos llamados a hablar con la persona.
En la caminata de 7 millas, los primeros 2 viajeros fueron muy curiosos sobre este 3o viajero.
Eran curiosos -de hecho sorprendidos, asombrados- de que él parecía tan fuera de control, fuera del lazo, con respecto a los últimos titulares, tweets, instagramas de Jerusalén.
En su "sermón" a Jesús, sus invitados dicen: "¿Eres el único visitante de Jerusalén que no sabe de las cosas que han ocurrido en estos días?" (Lucas 24: ___)
Irónico y divertido (extraño) esto es porque Jesús es, de hecho, el ÚNICO que había entendido lo que pasó.

[__05__]     [__05__] [CONVERSACIÓN]
También hay conversación en el camino de Emaús.
Pero la conversación no es sólo una serie de palabras, frases, párrafos.
De hecho, su conversación continúa - su oración continúa - incluso después de que Jesús haya desaparecido físicamente.

[__06__]     [__06__] [COMUNIÓN] Cuando un huésped llega, hay comunidad y comunión. La gente se reúne alrededor del huésped. A veces, incluso hay una discusión sobre quién se sentará al lado del invitado especial.
Cuando estaba en la universidad, mi compañero de clase, Víctor, vino por unos días a nuestra casa. Es bueno que mi hermana menor no esté aquí ahora mismo, no le gustaría esta historia.
Porque recuerdo que estaba molesta porque su asiento no estaba inmediatamente adyacente al suyo en la mesa de la cena. (Ella tenía sólo seis años en ese momento, así que debería darle un descanso ...)
Cuando llega un huésped, hay comunidad.

Jesús es el invitado que hace comunidad en nuestras vidas, recordándonos que todos estamos llamados a servirnos unos a otros, a ser humildes, a ser amables, a perdonar a aquellos que ni siquiera saben lo que han hecho mal, ya pedir perdón sin Obligado a hacerlo.
Él lava los pies de sus discípulos. Él da su vida.
Esto es unidad y comunidad.
Jesús es el invitado perfecto porque no nos obliga a decir nada. Sin embargo, simplemente quiere que le prestemos.
Los amigos muy cercanos no necesitarán decir mucho - o un marido y una esposa casados ​​por años - no necesitarán decir mucho. Sólo la presencia crea confianza, unidad, bienvenida. 

[_sección de conclusión __]    
Quedate con el.
Quédate con nosotros.

[__09__]      [__10__]      [__11_]     
 [__12__]     [__fin__]  

Stay with us. (1st Communion) (2017-04-30)

Sunday April 30, 2017 /      Title: “Stay with us: curiosity, conversation, communion”

 [__01__]   Welcome to Our Lady of Lourdes, First Communion young people, girls and boys, to every mother, and father, every grandparent, aunt and uncle, brother and sister and cousin and friend also here. Welcome to Our Lady of Lourdes.

[__02__]   Mistaken identity. This is Gospel reading is a case of mistaken identity. Girls and boys, this sometimes happens if we were to see someone after several years.  Or, if someone were to see you today – and has not seen you in 3 or 4 years – they may not recognize you.  If we do not see a person for a very long time, there can be “mistaken identity.”
          However, in this case, the disciples saw Jesus only a few days ago..and yet, they do not recognize him.
          This is ironic, strange.
          Aa 3rd traveler arrives and starts walking with them, on the 7-mile journey from Jerusalem to Emmaus.
          The 3rd traveler who comes along is a guest in their lives, a visitor in their lives. The 3rd traveler is Jesus, though he is not recognized / seen as Jesus.
          All they know is that this is some visitor, some guest.
          We also welcome Jesus as a visitor in our lives every day. He is the visitor who comes to us at Baptism, at Holy Communion, when we receive Confirmation, and when we celebrate a wedding, marriage in church.
          He is the honored guest. Jesus, Amen, is the visitor who comes into our lives when we sit with him, when we talk with him, when we just listen to him in prayer.
          At the end of the 7 miles, of the road to Emmaus, the 2 travelers invite their GUEST to stay with them:
          though they do not recognize him – “Stay with us for it is nearly evening and the day is almost over.”  (Luke 24:___)
          Stay with us. Stay with me. This was their prayer.
          This can also be your prayer, our prayer, if you make no other prayer each night, just ask God to be with you, to stay with you.
          Jesus is the visitor.

[__03__]     Girls and boys, sometimes you have to go as a visitor or as a guest to someone’s house.
          And, your identity is important. I recall that this identity and connection was important if I were to visit someone or someone were to visit me at home.
          My parents would ask… are the parents home?

          When guests arrive and when guests are around, I think 3 things can happen. I’d like to talk about 3 things, which are:
          ►[ CURIOSITY ]
          ►[ CONVERSATION ]
          ►[ COMMUNION ]
          When a guest comes into our house, we are curious, we talk to the person, ask questions.
          Girls and boys, one thing very dignified and Christian that you can do – when you arrive as a visitor or guest – is to talk not only to your friend, but also to your friend’s Mom or Dad, or grandma. You show them respect by talking with them.
          I have been enriched over the years not only by friends my own age, but also by my connection to my a friend’s mother or father. Of course, they do not replace my Mom or Dad, but I love them in a similar way.  And, they are similar to a Mom or a Dad to me. And, they love me as though I were son.
          You are loved, today, by many in this church family -- of Our Lady of Lourdes -- who love you as their own child.
          You are identifiable, important to us.

[__04__]   When a guest comes, we are curious, we are called to talk to the person.
          On the 7-mile walk, the first 2 travelers were very curious about this 3rd traveler.           
          They were curious – in fact astounded, astonished – that he seemed so OUT OF TOUCH, OUT OF THE LOOP, regarding  the latest headlines, tweets, Instagrams from Jerusalem.
          In their “sermon” to Jesus, their guest they say, “Are you the only visitor to Jerusalem who does not know of the things that have taken place in these days?” (Luke 24: ___)
          Ironic and funny this is because Jesus is, in fact, the ONLY ONE who had understood what happened.

[__05__]   [ CONVERSATION ]
          There is also conversation on the road to Emmaus.
          But the conversation is not only a series of words, sentences, paragraphs.
          In fact, their conversation continues – their prayer continues – even after Jesus has disappeared physically.
          Girls and boys, there are prayers that we should learn and know by heart. However, isn’t it most important when we feel scared or alone that we simply know that someone is there with us.
          Similarly, when we are really really happy and glad, we also may not need to say anything.
          “Stay with us” is a prayer, it is the prayer of every Holy Communion, from the first to the final.
          It can also be your prayer every night as we share ourselves with Jesus as a friend who loves us and is curious about you and wants to be in conversation with you.
[__06__]   [ COMMUNION ]  When a guest arrives, there is community and communion. People gather around the guest. Sometimes, there is even an argument regarding who will sit next to the special guest.
          When I was in college, my classmate, Victor, came for a few days to our house. It’s a good thing my younger sister is not here right now, she would not like this story.
          Because I remember that she was upset because her seat was not immediately adjacent to his at the dinner table.  (She was only six years old at the time, so I should give her a break…)
          When a guest comes, there is community.

          Jesus is the guest who makes community in our lives, reminding us that we are all called to serve each other, to be humble, to be kind, to forgive those who may not even know what they have done wrong, and to ask forgiveness without being forced to do so.
          He washes the feet of his disciples. He lays down his life.
          This is unity and community.
          Jesus is the perfect guest because he does not force us to say anything. Yet, he simply wants us to be present to him.
          Very close friends may not need to say very much – or a husband and wife married for years – may not need to say very much. Presence alone builds trust, unity, welcome.

[__08__]    Stay with us.
          More than twenty years ago, I was expecting a guest to arrive. He was coming from faraway, from Japan, from Osaka via Tokyo to New York. He was to stay with my family for about a week.  I was a little concerned about this visit, because I knew there would be a language barrier, difficulty in communication.
          My friend’s name is Yoshio, he is Japanese and I had come to know him when I was working for two years in Japan teaching English/ESL after college graduation.
          He got to know me and several other friends from the U.S. When I returned to the U.S., he came here for a visit.   Stay with us?  Sure, I said.

[__08.01__]   CURIOSITY.
          Curious ?
          I was both concerned and curious how this visit would work out.
          It hardly mattered that he spoke almost no English and my Japanese proficiency was not United-Nations quality translation.
          And, because my family was and still is very curious, they certainly welcomed him, loved him, and appreciated him.
          One afternoon, my brother, Mike, home from college and recently having finished his career as a high-school football player, told me that he and Yoshio were going out … I think they ran about two miles to Glen Rock High School.
          Then, they went to the gym to lift weights. They came home. They had a great time. I have no idea or if they said more than a few words.
          The curiosity was enough to start a connection and a conversation.
          Stay with us. Yes, it was a joy. We came together even without many words.
          Girls and boys, there are times when you do not know what to say. There may be times that you come to church, to Sunday Mass and you do not know what to say. There are times when you want to help a friend and you do not know what to say.
          Just be there. Your presence matters. This is communion, community, love.
[__09__]   During his visit, Yoshio announced that he must make a real Osaka-style Japanese meal in our home for us.  We went shopping for the necessary ingredients.
          He did things things with soy sauce and cabbage that never happened before or since in our kitchen.
          At this time, a neighbor happened to come over and was very curious at this big feast taking place. It was just a weeknight in the summer.
          The neighbor asked my Mom what was going on.  After explaining, this neighbor told my Mom, “Eileen, you have such an interesting life.” …yes, such an interesting life. And, a guest makes it this way…
          Girls and boys, I pray that you may always know God’s presence in your life, that you may also use your curiosity, your energy to be in conversation with him and that you may always know that you are loved and in community – in communion – with our Lord and Savior.
          Stay with him.
          Stay with us.   [__fin_]     

Sunday, April 23, 2017

Ver es Creer (2017-04-23, Pascua domingo, 2)

[__01__]     ¿Creen ellos - Tomás y los otros discípulos - porque ellos han visto?
Alentador fue - y es - la cuestión de nuestro Salvador: "¿Has llegado a creer porque has visto?" (Juan 20: __)
Y entonces, la respuesta a la pregunta de nuestro Salvador, "Bienaventurados los que no han visto y han creído." (Juan 20: __)
Ver es creer.

[__02__]    ¿Qué es lo contrario, qué es la ausencia de ver? Sólo diría que esto podría resumirse como: "fuera de la vista, fuera de la mente."
Es decir, si estuviéramos alejados de - o separados de - una persona durante mucho tiempo - o fuera de contacto - podemos dudar de la conexión o la importancia de la relación.
Incluso con amigos muy cercanos, encuentro que necesito recordarme a mí mismo que una ausencia larga - a veces - me hace menos interesado en una reunión.
Por supuesto, este no es siempre el caso. Pero, a veces, fuera de la vista, fuera de la mente.
¿Es ver = creer?

[__03__]   SÍ.
Considere el regocijo y en tal reunión después de mucho tiempo. Podemos contar la misma historia - el mismo episodio - por 38 ª vez - a la risa grande e incontrolable.
También he observado que tal grupo - entre tal grupo de compañeros de clase o familia - Si he tenido muchas experiencias compartidas, entonces - de una manera - no importa si estuve ausente por unas vacaciones en particular, o una cena en particular, Una fiesta en particular.
Si yo estuve allí por algún tiempo, estuve allí todo el tiempo.
Porque somos amigos, porque somos familia, hemos visto tantas cosas juntas, tantas cosas en común.

In my family, my parents and brothers and sister will tell of one particular family ski trip they took when I was away at college in my freshman year.  I was not there physically …but knowing everyone’s personality and attitudes and history, I was – and still am – along for the ride.
          There was, at one point, a disagreement between my mother and father regarding whether the “children” (teenagers) should be given their own lift tickets on the night before skiing was to begin  or whether these should be given out at the base of the mountain.
          The tickets were not given out in advance.
          I could see it all happening, but I was not actually present.
          Seeing is believing.

[__04__]   Thomas was absent when his close friends encountered our Savior on his first visit, after the Resurrection, to the Upper Room.
          He is asking Thomas, you and me to recall that our seeing, our vision, is connected to our relationships.

[__05__]     Ver también es comprensión.
Por ejemplo, en un desacuerdo o una crisis - en una familia o en una relación - estamos invitados a ver o prever lo que otra persona puede creer, experimentar o sufrir.
Ver es creer.

[__06__]     Ver también es comprensión.
Por ejemplo, en un desacuerdo o una crisis - en una familia o en una relación - estamos invitados a ver o prever lo que otra persona puede creer, experimentar o sufrir.
Ver es creer.

[__07__]    Ver sugiere historia, una visión compartida. Si yo fuera a ver a alguien después de mucho tiempo, puedo regocijarme.
Por otra parte, también puedo estar ansioso o preocupado o incómodo.
Ver es lo que estamos invitados a hacer en los actos de arrepentimiento, confesión de nuestros pecados y recepción de la misericordia de Dios.
Invitamos al Señor a que nos vea como somos y nos ayude a llegar al lugar donde quiere que vayamos y confiemos en su guía.
Nos verá allí.
Te veo allí.
Ver es creer.


Sunday, April 16, 2017

Innocence is Personal (2017-04-16, Easter Sunday)

Sunday April 16, 2017 /    Easter Sunday

Title: “Resumed Innocent: Easter Sunday”

[__01__]   Innocence is personal.
          We are aware that innocence is a decision affecting a person – sometimes expressed as a verdict in  a courtroom by a judge, a jury, or some decision maker.
          In this regard, innocence is simply the opposite of – or the absence of – wrongdoing, of guilt.
[__02__]   Innocence is personal in the Gospel Good News.
          Jesus – personally -- is innocent, yet he willing to give himself up, to be punished, to have his life taken, for our sins.
          As we pray, he is the true Lamb who has taken away the sins of the world. Your sin, my sin.

[__03__]   Jesus is innocent, willing to be accused of our sins, our faults, wrongdoing.
          As an example, have you ever been in a situation in which a bunch of people are rounded up after some bad action, some misbehavior.  This sometimes happens in the classroom, at school, after school.
          And, in such a case, a whole group of people is accused of some infraction or wrongdoing. And, what sometimes happens is that the truly innocent are rounded up along with the actually guilty.
          In such a situation, the friends or companions will unite, band together, and accept the punishment, though some of them were not even there. They do so as part of the friendship, as part of the relationship.
          Maybe you have done this for a friend, maybe a friend did this for you. Innocence is personal.
[__04__]    When we consider our sinfulness, our brokenness, we may focus on the absence of Jesus or the absence of God at the time.
          Or, when we consider that we may have been injured, wounded by another person’s sinfulness, we also may be inclined to focus on the absence of the Father, Son, or Holy Spirit.
          However, is it not our belief that Jesus is there walking with us. Even when we have sinned, he is waiting for us to turn back to him.
          And, if someone has sinned against us, he also experiences the pain and wants to help us to forgive, to have compassion, to lay down our lives and bury our resentments. Thus, we also rise from our sinfulness three days from now, if not sooner. Innocence is personal.
          If we need a longer interval, Christ is with us.
          The Good News is that Jesus wants to help us to move from GUILT to INNOCENCE.

[__05__]    Innocence, however, is not one-time verdict by a judge or jury but a way of life and a relationship with Jesus as our Lord and Savior.
          Innocence is personal.
          Also, we might remember that we do not go on trial in order to prove our innocence to other people.  Rather, because we are made innocent and good through baptism and the sacraments and through God’s image, then we will be tested and tried by others.

[__06__]   Innocence is a personal gift, a blessing, God in which he wants to re-charge us, re-energize us.

 [__07__]    The Resurrection of Easter Sunday – following the trial – reminds us that our Savior wants to clear our record, grant us forgiveness and make us innocent again. He wants to be renewed, restarted …or we might say – resumed innocent.
          This recovery of our innocence is both definitive in his resurrection and it is continuous in our faith in his word.

[__08__]     For example, consider that innocence is a journey for you and for me. A process. A method. This innocence is founded in our acceptance and faith in Christ.
          Innocence is connected to Jesus a person.
          Innocence is personal.

[__09__]   Is this innocence not present in the elderly person in our midst, at our table, in our neighborhood or school?
          We are also invited to see the innocence of Christ crucified in the elderly person – even the elderly person who may cause us to be “on trial”  - the vulnerable person, the sick person.
          Innocence invites us to defend the person in his or weakness, vulnerability. Their innocence can transform us, invite us to greater courage, honest, virtue, strength.

[__10__]   Also - consider, e.g., how a person – a mother, father, grandfather, grandmother – is changed and transformed by the birth and the innocence of a child.
          Even before the child is born, while the child is in the womb, this innocence is transforming the lives of his or her mother and father. They are invited themselves to uprightness, honesty, courage in new ways.
          Have we not seen the most frozen ice-cube of grown-ups be transformed – melted – by the innocence of a child ?
          Innocence is personal.

[__11__]   When I was about 11, I recall some people -- whom I did not know -- observe that my seven-year old brother had attractive features, a nice smile or some such compliments that we lavish on young children.  Of course, I had no idea. I was eleven.
          I was being asked to see his gift, personal innocence in a new way.
[__12__]     This Easter Vigil and Easter Sunday, we are also invited to see the innocence of those who come to church for baptism, for first holy communion, and for confirmation this Easter.
          And, in two weeks – on April 30 – we will welcome our children for First Communion.
          Their innocence, their faith can transform our lives.
          At Our Lady of Lourdes, we are also blessed with catechists, religious education teachers, volunteers who nourish and cherish this innocence in our children helping them to grow closer to our Lord each day.
          Innocence is personal and our team of volunteers takes a personal interest.
          And, we are always seeking new and interested volunteers to join our team.  You may call or email the rectory or staff or me at any time. 
          We are blessed with these our own parish leaders and teachers who teach them that God loves them and God helps them in their trials and difficulties.
          They teach them also that rejection does not have to be an end of innocence but a beginning.
          For this is the good news of the trial, the proceedings after the courthouse and Calvary about innocence and the person of Jesus, the Son of God and Son of Man,
          “The stone rejected by the builders has become the cornerstone. By the Lord has this been done; it is wonderful in our eyes. This is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it.” (Psalm 118:22-24)