Sunday, October 25, 2020

Prepare to Love (2020-10-25, Sunday-30)

 2020-10-25 _  30th Sunday

● Exodus 22:20-26   ● Psalm 18 ● 1 Thessalonians 1:5c-10  ● + Matthew 22:34-40 ●

Title:    Prepare to Love.


[_01_]   Recently, I had the fortunate experience of being “pre-approved”.

          We hear the term “pre-approved” often with regard to a certain products we buy. Somebody wants us to buy something or to remain a customer. Therefore, we are “pre-approved.”

          The goal in LOVE is not simply to get pre-approved but to get prepared !

[_02_]   One year ago, I went to the Verizon Wireless store for a new smartphone. Then within several months, the phone’s protective cover was cracked, several hairline fractures.

This cover has a warranty, but I did not know this. When I called up the manufacturer for the phone cover, I was asked for my receipt, or the warranty or the box in which the phone arrived. They wanted some proof of who I was.

Did I have the warranty, receipt and box/packaging of a phone purchased 12 months ago?

I don’t think so.

I just wanted the transaction to be over and insisted – because I did not have the warranty or receipt or packaging – I would just buy the new cover.

Even though I could not prove my identity…. The company then insisted on treating me as though I had shown them a receipt / warranty and are sending it to me for free, no cost, anyway.

I was, in a sense, pre-approved. That’s business, to give customers whatever they want, in order to get more money and business out of the customer.


[_03_]   Is love really about pre-approving everything?

[ God does love us unconditionally in that he loves us even in our sins. But he cannot love our sins. He cannot love evil. He will always forgive us if we repent. To love him back, we must be free to choose to love him or not. Love cannot be programmed or forced. To love him is the greatest thing we can do for ourselves. But we can choose to not love him. Our choice to not love him does not diminish his unconditional love. But it certainly diminishes ours. Source:]

Our love is not about pre-approving. Unconditional love does not meant that I will never be corrected or never need to change – but that someone can love me so completely – so unconditionally – as to tell me when I am wrong.

It is also true that I am may be called upon to love another person so unconditionally that I will even risk “disapproval” to do what is right.

When you asked your mother or your father ”why” as a child and they said “because I said so…” That’s unconditional love!

Pre-approval ≠ love.

Let’s go to the other extreme – pre-judging ≠  love either.


[_04_]    Prejudice is not love.  Here is an example of an ordinary  everyday purchase, because we tend to shun or spurn the unfamiliar.

A few weeks ago,  apparently trying to be helpful, I went to the store and bought the best brand – or so I thought – brand of dairy whole milk -- HORIZON-brand, Organic, pasture-fed grass-fed cows, no antibiotics, etc. etc.

          I thought this would be preferable, favorable.

was a preferred brand. My parents did not like it, were very uncomfortable with it and was told to go out and by “regular milk.”

          Sometimes, we can reject a person place or thing simply because the encounter brings us face-to-face with the unfamiliar or someone of an unfamiliar background or experience to us.

          We may even fear them.


[_05_]    I am suggesting that LOVE – and the commandments to love – is not about being pre-approving or being pre-judging, but is about being prepared.


[_05_]         But, it’s also true that love of another involves sacrifice, difficulty, even suffering.

          So, we are called to imitate the Lord who, for example, taught us about the connection between love and forgiveness.     

          Jesus said, there is more joy in heaven over 1 repentant sinner than over 99 righteous people not in need of repentance.

          Who is the 1? Who are the 99?

          The 99 are not 99 arrogant Pharisees whom I do not know personally; nor are they 99 canonized saints whom I do not know personally.  (Dietrich Von Hildebrand, Transformation in Christ, “Ch. 2 Contrition”, p. 41)

          The 99 are those – and sometimes I am one of them – who believe  they are already justified, already complete but who are really not yet fully known.

          When we are in a loving relationship with someone, it is not a question of IF but rather WHEN we are called up to forgive the other….and also to admit our own need for forgiveness.   

          We are not simply called to know another person’s good side and strengths, but also to know the unfamiliar territory of their sinfulness, the unfamiliar territory of loving but truly giving a correction to the other, the unfamiliar territory of loving our enemies, praying for those who persecute us, not only so that we will love God’s commandments, but also know them by our own experience.

          Jesus does sometimes ask us what we do not want to do. That’s also unconditional love too.

          Jesus laid down his life for us while we were still sinners. To know Him is to love Him.  [_fin_]      

Sunday, October 18, 2020

Changing Lanes (2020-10-18, Sunday-29)

 2020-10-18 _ 29th Sunday

● Isaiah 45:1, 4-6   ● Psalm 96  ● 1 Thessalonians 1:1-5b  ● + Matthew 22:15-21 ●

Title:    Changing Lanes.


[_01_]   In 2002, less than one year after the 9/11/2001 terrorist attacks, a young man named Pat Tillman enlisted in the military, in the U.S. Army.

          Pat’s family urged him NOT to enlist in the Army, believing it too dangerous, too perilous. He could be injured, he could lose his life, especially because he was determined to participate in the front lines of combat in the new war in Afghanistan after 9/11.

          Pat was leaving something very familiar – his life in Arizona, his new wife, his family, his career.

          Clearly, he was ready for a change.

          His wife – Marie – supported him in this endeavor but even she had legitimate fears about her Pat being in the Army, in Afghanistan.

          What does it mean for you and me to change?  To “change lanes”


[_02_]    Recently, a friend of mine showed me his car with some fancy technology and camera that tells the driver when it is safe – not safe – to change lanes.

          I have never driven a car with such an electronic sensor, so I am really completely relying on my own brain, wits, awareness and “hard drive” to figure out whether not I can – safely – change lanes.

          To be honest, I am not sure I favor such technology as I might become too dependent on the “machine”. Will I – as a human being – become less effective or aware ?

          How can I know when to change – to change lanes – and whom to trust?


[_03_]       In the example of the young man named Pat Tillman, he felt moved to “change out of his lane” to enlist in the Army, because of his gratitude for the freedom he knew was distinct to U.S., to being an American. And. as an able-bodied capable and strong young person, he was going to give back in heeding the call to military service, even putting his life in harm’s way.

          He left his natural habitat, way of life, or “lane” which was actually very comfortable.

          Now, I will admit that Pat Tillman’s calling was not officially of a religious nature, but his is an example of someone who leaves behind what is familiar to seek something new.

          Am I willing – are you willing – to try something new?


[_04_]        Jesus uses the COIN in this Gospel episode to signify something that is in fact NOT NEW.

          Jesus uses the COIN (monetary currency) to signify what is existing and current – that’s the currency.

          But there is a new and unusual form of wealth that we are concerned with.

          In our very uncertain economy, some of us may be concerned with how to “preserve our wealth” … thus we may consider, things such as should I keep my money in the bank? In the stock market? Should I buy a house? Should I sell my house?       

          But, all of these “moves” just ways to stay in the same lane, to keep things as they are.

          I’m suggesting that our lives of Christian discipleship is more along the lines of someone who moves to a new country and has to get used to the new coins, the new currency, and the cost of living in that country.

          Think about this. Let’s say you travel internationally and you go to – say – Australia OR India OR Brazil.  And, you stay for about a week or so in Australia or India or Brazil.  For the entire time you are there, you will be calculating what everything costs in terms of U.S. dollars. But if you stay for a longer time…say 6 months or a year..or if you move in, then, you stop thinking in “U.S. dollars” and you start thinking in terms of the new currency.

          That’s what it  means to render unto to God what belongs to God … we think in terms of God’s values not our own.


[_05_]        But, where is my wealth invested? In what am I invested? am I willing to change, to change lanes?


[_06_]       One example – in situations where I have found it challenging to forgive someone, I find I am moving from the natural habitat or “lane” of being angry … to a new lane…in fact to a new country of being merciful and letting go.

          Letting go of the anger may is like crossing an international border !

          Similary, in situations where I am called to admit I am wrong, to admit a fault, I find that I am moving from the lane of fear to the lane of repentance.

          Now, in these moves, I may be quite uncertain or reluctant because I am not really sure what everything costs.

          I have to live there for a while to soak up the culture to experience the forgiveness and recognize the value of God’s mercy, but I first have to change out of my familiar habitat.


[_07_]      Pat Tillman was not an ordinary U.S. Army recruit who became an Army Ranger.

          In fact, he died in battle in Afghanistan in 2004, one of about 3,000 who died since 9/11.

          But, he was the only one of only 7 who were NFL football players. Pat Tillman was a starting player with a lucrative contract with the Arizona Cardinals.  He walked away from a career in the NFL and had just received a contract offer for $3 million per year.

          He never signed that contract. He changed lanes, leaving behind his family to serve our country and gave an example of someone willing to go to a new country and currency and form of of wealth.


[_08_]         Jesus, as the Son of God, lays down his life in the unfamiliar country of our humanity and human experience, not to show how great he is, but to forgive our sins, give us a model of forgiveness and show who great we can be, by following Him,  turning back to God, by turning our lives over to Him, by rendering to God what belongs to God.   [_fin_]          

Sunday, October 11, 2020

Back to School (2020-10-11, Sunday-28)

2020-10-11 _ 28th Sunday

● Isaiah 25:6-10a   ● Psalm 23 ● Philippians 4:12-14, 19-20 ● + Matthew 22:1-14 ●

Title:   Back To School.

 [_01_]   We live in a time of great moment-to-moment uncertainty in which even clearly defined time periods – or seasons – are not so clearly defined. One example of a what used to be a clearly defined time period was this “back to school.”

          If you asked – 2018 or 2019 -  when is it time to go “back to school”…or  what does “back to school season” mean, you would say – well, that is late August to mid September.

          Parents and children and students and teachers are readying themselves at that time to go back to school. It may be hard to shop and find your favorite color of backpack in the store, if you wait until September to purchase the item.

          One time, many years ago, I thought I was going “back to school” at the school where I had been going for 5 years; but now learned in late August that I was going to the Catholic school starting in September.

          “Back to school” that year was a bit of a shock to my system…but I got over it.

          “Back to school” is very uncertain right now.

          Are you … for example:

·        Attending school virtually on Zoom or Google Meet?

·        Do you go to school some days but not others?

·        Are you waiting to find out -- school to open up or not ?

It’s already the middle of October…and we are not sure what “back to school” means.


[_02_   Most obvious of all – in the chronological and change of season sense…– “back to school” means that summer is over … I better get back to work! Play time over, right ?

          That’s how we think – summer = leisure.

          Autumn = work.

          Back to school !

          Or, to be even more blunt… if I get to do what I want, if I can set the rules, the schedule, the deadlines..then that is FREEDOM…

          And if I have a deadline or something is “due”…well that’s “back to school”

          When I was – as a 10 year old – “forced and sent to a new school…” and   then made to wear  = of all things .. a UNIFORM to school….well, I did not feel very “free”.

          But, that is of course a superficial definition of freedom.

          In the Gospel, we see an example of freedom by those who are in rebellion – and in open revolt – against the “servants” sent by the vineyard owner to them.

          Sometimes, we are in open revolt … just because things do not go our way.

          Some time ago, I recall that there was some logistical communication thing that went wrong due to a misunderstanding of what I had said over the phone…  I cannot remember even what it was right now. In the midst of this little crisis, some one said to me… “maybe you should have gotten it all in writing.”

          I remember at the time being increasingly exacerbated in my frustration be reminded not only of my wrong ….but how I could have corrected it.

          I’m just using that as an example … sometimes, we do not like to hear the truth. That was the truth, I should have gotten it in writing.

          And, that can lead to more serious examples that I can think of, when I fail to show gratitude, or I become very selfish about what “time” or “resources” belong to me.   Usually, someone or something will cause me to snap out of it. In other words, a “prophet” is sent to me… but sometimes I reject that prophet !


[_03_     Josef Pieper, points out that there is something for us to treasure or remember about going “back to school”.  He was not exactly writing about the experience of being back in school…. But rather the experience of being a young person to treasure and something for old people to imitate in the young…or to recall from their own youth:

          Pieper, paraphrased:   When we are young, we more easily persevere, bounce back, we are resilient and and this distinguishes the young and makes them lovable.

[_04_       One of things that is also valuable and admirable about young people –especially – when they are back to school is that they naturally look up to and admire and seek direction from others.

          And, they are grateful for the help that they receive.

          I would say that one of the things I have learned from my own father is value of listening to and learning from my elders, for  mentors and those who are above me.

          I am not 100% compliant or docile at all times, it’s a lesson I have to keep re-learning and to be open to learning from my own faults and failures. We are not loved because we have never sinned … we are loved because we are sinners.

 [_05_       Hope and hopefulness are connected to “youth”, to remember that we are all God’s children and …in my case… reminded that I am also my parent’s child.

          Youth and truth.

          I will summarize with this example.

          Last Thursday October 1st – I went over to my parents’ house to spend the evening and stay overnight so that I could help them the next morning for a doctor’s appointment.

          When I arrived at their home, in the late evening, I figured all the major news was over and done for the day. Nothing to report, nothing to watch. I started watching a Law & Order rerun. Then, I watched another …and soon it was past one o’clock in the morning.

          I did not watch the news, but you could not avoid the news that particular evening as the programming was interrupted to tell me that the President and First Lady at the White House had tested positive for COVID.

          I was stunned to hear this, but shortly thereafter turned off the TV for good, but I really thought I should have gone to sleep much earlier !

          When I awoke the next morning, my father and the TV on and the news was on… he told me, “The President has COVID”.

          Oh ..I said, pretending I did not already know this, which was not true.

          Then, I said, Yeah, I know.

          To which he immediately: how late were you up last night?

          I said: …like 11:30 am or midnight (which was NOT true!)

          To which he said, but that news came through at 12:53 am.

          And., then, I thought, I’m not even in my own place, I’m trying to help out… and I get caught like a teenager sneaking in after curfew!

          In any case, I just say, that we are given many, many chances in our life to be youthful, to be God’s children. We are also given many chances to be truthful, to recognize that we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. Enjoy the journey, back to school.  [_fin_         

Sunday, October 4, 2020

Comeback Victory / Respect Life Sunday (2020-10-04, Sunday-27)

2020-10-04 _ 27th Sunday

● Isaiah 5:1-7   ● Psalm 80 ● Philippians 4:6-9 ● + Matthew 21:33-43 ●

Title:  Comeback Victory

 [_01_]   It is a fact of life in our educational system that children are grouped by grade – according to their date of birth.

          This is the West Orange Board of Education policy: “To be eligible for Kindergarten, a child must be 5 five years of age on or before Oct. 1, 2018.

          If you are trying to remember when was your first day of school, just add 5 years to  the year you were born.

[_02_      Being left back, being asked to repeat a grade may not be perceived or received as good news. This is, of course, because a children expects that “age in years” = equates to the numerical grade.

         Not knowing any better, I had the personal audacity to ask my elementary school principal why one of my classmates was NOT promoted from 1st grade to second grade. I figured the principal would know.

          So, right there in the parking lot, I asked him about the situation of why this young person – my classmate – was not in second grade. Why was he left back?

To be honest, I only recall the situation because my parents were mortified / embarrassed that I would ask such a question to such a person at such a public place and time.

          Could any good come of this? Could there be any good news of being left back?

[_03_       I suggest that the parable of the tenants in the vineyard is a reminder that we are being taught the good news each day.

          That is, we are taught about the virtue of forgiveness, just at the moment we are tempted to surrender to resentment or retaliation or anger…as though my anger can change the past or punish another person.. But, “forgiveness” is does not hold us back, but helps us to move on….

          We are taught about the virtue of self-sacrifice just at the moment we are seeking our own comfort or consolation. But, giving something up for someone else’s good does not really hold me back…

          And, in this regard, the parable of the vineyard workers and the tenants applies to you and me.

          What happens in the parable is that the vineyard workers/tenants want to reject or eliminate the prophets and preachers of God’s word to them.

          Or, in the language of the Church and Christians, we could say that they do not want to be evangelized. They do not want to hear the Good News. They feel they are being “left back.”

[_04_           Our Savior is trying to teach us, through this parable about God’s patience with each of us.

          He is patient because He forgives our sins. On the other hand, we can behave like the wicked tenants who believe that they have no sins or that they cannot be forgiven.

          God is patient, believing in the talents we all have to share. And, though we may -- at times  -- reject even the compliments that come our way, the Lord is sending us the Good News that each of us has something to give.

          This is the good news of God’s patience.

[_05_      Could anything good come from being left back? Could anything good come from my question?

          What good came of it, according to my parents, was the care and gentleness and compassion with which the principal endeavored to answer my question.

          I don’t remember what he said, but I do recall that my mother was impressed with both his competence and compassion,  not only toward the young boy who was not promoted but also toward me who was a bit out of line in my questioning.

          “None of your business” could have been his response.

          He did not try to remove me from the vineyard or from the conversation.

The Lord also desires that we would remain and be part of his vineyard.

 [_06_]        This Sunday is also Respect Life Sunday and a special moment of devotion with and for our Rosary Altar Society.

          We give thanks or their devotion to our Blessed Mother and to praying the Rosary.

          This month – in fact – every night of October at 6:30 pm – a group of parishioners gathers outside at the Grotto to pray the Rosary as October is a month dedicated to Mary and the Rosary.
          This month, we are also holding a baby shower or fundraising drive as part of a Respect Life initiative to raise money for “Mercy House” in the Archdiocese of Newark and in the city of Newark, a place for mothers and families raising their children in difficult financial and family circumstances.

          The mission of the Respect Life in the Archdiocese is to promote Catholic teaching on the care of human life from conception to natural death.

          This is not because all children and families are equal in “wealth”  or “health” or “status” or “resources.” Truly, there are many inequalities.

          Nevertheless, we can say as Christians that we truly have a natural and God-given right to life – and that we are all equal because we are all loved by God.

          And, do we not believe that children have a right to be loved? And a right to live?

[_07_]        We also give thanks for our Blessed Mother for her fidelity and response to God as Creator – for a mother and father too – are called to recognize that a child both belongs to them and also their responsibility to give them away… not to hold him back.

          As the mother of our Savior, Mary recognized that Jesus was her Son, but also hers to give to us as the Body of Christ… Receiving Communion, The-Body-of-Christ Amen…this was also made possible through Mary’s guardianship of his life.

          We are also guardians of our own lives and lives of our loved ones which we did not create or control.

          God creates life.

          God creates the right to life.

          And, this give us also the freedom, the right to liberty and the right to a new citizenship and new grading system in which are all equal. [_fin_]