Sunday, July 17, 2022

Martha. Mary. Missionary Appeal (2022-07-17)

2022-07-1016th Sunday  &

Title: Martha / Mary

Or Click here for video of Saturday 5:30 pm Mass which includes the message of SisterHelen starting at time mark = 12:45.

● ● Genesis 18:1-10a ● ● Psalm 15  ● ●● Colossians 1:24-28   Luke 10:38-42 ● ●

[_01_]  This Gospel is about overturning of the regular norms of society.

It is not about “busy” vs. “non busy”. Mary represents the disciple who is going against the norm, against the tide.

So, the actual message is congruent with Jesus other congregating with tax collectors, prostitutes and the reprobates mentioned in Psalm 15.

I am also one of these reprobates in need of repentance, healing, God’s mercy… (are you?)

  This Gospel reminds us of our own called to be disciples. And Jesus is reaching out to us and asking us all to choose the better part in our lives. But he is also the guide for us to choose what is best at all times. We're pleased to welcome Sister Helen Murage and Sister Mercy Mwangi

Sister Helen will be speaking to us this evening for the missionary appeal of the propagation of the faith. They are both from the Sisters of Mary Immaculate of Nyeri in Kenya and there is more information about the sisters and about the appeal in the bulletin for you to take home as well.

Or Click here for video of Saturday 5:30 pm Mass which includes the message of SisterHelen starting at time mark = 12:45.

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