Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God
1 January 2016
[__01__] Intervention and intercession are important,
from our mothers.
On this Solemnity or Mary, the Mother of God, we recall
that Mary is our intercessor before our Savior and before God.
For this reason, we are called to pray the Hail Mary,
to pray the Rosary, to reflect on the mysteries of the Rosary and the life of
Christ, to recall that our mother, our Blessed Mother is also praying to
protect us, just as our own mothers are.
Our own mothers and grandmothers protect us both by
what they say and what they do not say.
An important message of the Gospel today is the Good News of pondering,
of reflection, of meditation.
[__02__] In our family, one of my grandmothers is
recalled very clearly for her interventions and her intercessions. She behaved
in a way that many of us would consider completely natural.
That is, you know where
you stood with Frances. And, while my grandmother loved all of us, her
grandchildren, she was also one to dare to let her opinions be heard by – and
be trickled down to - the younger
Frances (… we are not
talking about Pope Francis …) but she also dared to speak her mind. And, she even dared to
speak her mind about the behavior – the lack of behavior – of her
This one is going to be
trouble! I was told that there were
certain grandchildren – though they may have been first-round draft picks – she
did not want them on her team. That is,
she did not want to babysit them for an extended period of time.
I believe I made the cut.
[__03__] Mothers have a sense, an intuition about
their families, about their children and, often, mothers have an intuition
about children in other families.
It was, of course, risky
for my grandmother - God rest her soul –
to express this opinion. It was not always welcome.
It is a high bar, a high
standard, for us to know exactly when to speak and when to be silent in this
[__04__] Have I
also not failed – been at fault – when I have said something …when I could have
remained quiet?
[__05__] The
Blessed Virgin Mary possesses the beautiful virtue of archiving, preserving …
spiritually …what is important about the Holy Family, about Jesus and Joseph.
Mary is doing this in the
following way, as we read in Luke, Chapter 2:
- · Receiving visitors
- · Hearing what people – the shepherds, angels …townspeople of Bethlehem have to say about Jesus
- · She not only hears but remembers – saves – what people say.
- · Mary keeps all these words.
- Mary ponders them in her heart
[__06__] Mary,
as our Blessed Mother, was reflecting, praying, pondering the current events of
Bethlehem, and the events that preceded and followed.
Mary was keeping these
things, pondering them in her heart.
[__07__] Mary
was also trusting …surrendering. In this way, “surrender”
was not a retreat from an enemy or adversary ..but a willingness to let the
actions of another either complement her actions…or, in some cases, …. Just do
the work.
“Mary ponders these words
in her heart.”
To be a mother, father,
caregiver, grandparent, guardian, this calls us to this same trust, surrender
To be a mother,
father, caregiver, grandparent, guardian, this calls us to consider that we do
not have to – nor do we wish to – publish everything – or react to everything –
we may hear.
Rather, ponder, pray. Keep these things in your heart.
[__08__] Not every project – or every success –
depends completely on me.
The coach, the teacher,
the priest, the parent, the religious brother or sister… we are all supposed to
know this.
Sometimes, it takes a while.
St Augustine wrote in The Confessions, “Late have I loved you, O Beauty ever ancient
ever new.” […repeat…]
“Late have I loved you, O
Beauty ever ancient ever new.”
In this autobiography,
Augustine is expressing something I would like to write in my own autobiography
but I often delete it, misspell it or write it in an exceedingly small font…
That is …”Late have I
loved you… late ..only lately have I realized that I do not control the
That I do not control what other people
say, think, feel.
And, that even as a parent
– you are responsible for nurturing, protecting, sheltering, feeding, clothing.
Nevertheless, pondering and praying are also important.
Jesus was the Savior of
the World, with his own identity even before Mary’s intervention or
Our children learn things
– or come to realizations – and successes and failures – also through God’s
power, not our own oversight or imposition.
We ponder these things in
our heart.
[__09__] Then, we speak.
My grandmother is also remembered
for her shrewdness and her interest in the best possible deal and her avoidance
of being cheated. She would also intervene for others.
In the early 1970’s when
my parents were buying their first house in New Jersey, moving here from the
Bronx, my grandmother came along for the ride and after seeing the house, told
the real estate … “can’t you give these kinds a deal… can’t you cut the price.”
Well, my parents did buy
the house. I’m not aware that there was any reduction in the sale price or interest
rate on the loan.
Yet, my grandmother was
the one daring to speak up …having pondered – I suppose – the square footage,
the property size, the quality of the neighborhood and her own hopes for her
She also realized that she
could not make it happen herself… but she could not make an appeal for someone
[__10__] Mary ,
our Blessed Mother, also makes an appeal for someone else…yes, she makes an
appeal for us before God.
And, she makes an appeal
by allowing God to act, not simply by accepting responsibilities to be
performed but also by acknowledging that it is not her word – or words – that
Rather, it is God’s word
being published – and saved – and pondered – that we too are saved by the birth
of Jesus at Bethlehem. [__fin__]
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