Monday, May 6, 2013

Conversion / Lydia (rough draft) (2013-05-06)

6th week of Easter / MONDAY /  May 6, 2013  /   
Acts 16:11-15; Psalm 145;  John 15:26-16:4a

[__01--notes__]    VERY ROUGH DRAFT…  NOTES ONLY

·         1st century A.D. and the 21st century A.d.
·         Lydia is a dealer in purple cloth
·         Lydia’s customers would have been royalty.
·         Lydia is a “dealer” … a wholesaler? An economic force? Powerful?

[__02__]      21st century A.D. dealers/tailors serve the rich and famous with cloth –
·         Versace
·         Dior
·         Ralph Lauren
·         Donna Karan DKNY
·         Others ?

 [__03__]    Charitable activities
One would expect that Versace, Dior, RL, DK DKNY would be involved in charitable activities.

Such charity is, at least, good publicity, good for business, … good is the publicity gained from feeding and clothing the poor.

Lydia – the Donna Karan of northeastern Greece? Her act of charity – taking in Paul and Timothy (cf. Acts 16:1)

This act of charity is recorded – published in the Acts of the Apostles, Status update is positive for Lydia, Inc.

 [__04__]     What we are reading here, however, is not only about a business /change in profit or a tax-deductible contribution.

Rather, we reading about a change of heart, a reduction of Lydia’s wealth for spiritual gain.

Lydia has been baptized and we are told … so are all the members of her household.

Recall that Lydia is in charge … this household would include employees, servants.

They follow her example. 

Following Lydia’s example is everyone in the “studio” or “factory.”  They also receive baptism  / Christian initiation.

The example [+] or [-] of leaders is noticed ..and this will touch/influence the actions and consciences of others.

Then, after Lydia welcomes Paul and Timothy into her home, to stay..

The reason is because of her baptism, her awareness …of being part of the Church, part of the Body of Christ.

Lydia allows god to work through her actions..wealth … talent, and in her organization.

You and I are also changed miraculously when we allow God to work in and through us.. others will notice.

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