Sunday, July 10, 2011

Burdens (2011-07-03)

This is my homily for Sunday, 3 July 2011. I am a Catholic chaplain at Fairleigh Dickinson University (FDU) campus and for the FDU Newman Catholic Association. We celebrate Catholic Mass - during Fall and Spring semester - every Sunday Mass (7:30 p.m.) at the Interfaith Chapel, 842 River Road, Teaneck, NJ. We resume our Sunday schedule on Sunday August 28, 2011 at 7:30 p.m.

14th Sunday ordinary time (year A)
[ Zecariah 9:9-10 | Psalm 145 | Romans 8:9, 11-13 | Matthew 11:25-30 ]

[__01___] Do we carry our burdens alone?

The Good News of the Gospel, from our Lord, is that he comes to help us with our burdens, physical, emotional.

“Come to me, all you who labor and are burdened..¨ (Matthew 11:28)

He is our companion, brother, friend.

Jesus helps us watch over our belongings. Why?

Is this only because this is a holiday weekend, Fourth of July, many travelers?
For what purpose is he watching…

Yes, it is true that God does not desire the loss or theft of our belongings.
However, his watchfulness is not only deter theft and detain thieves. Rather, Christ is born among us to remind us who we are and what we have.

[__02___] At the airport – and other public places – we hear announcements over loudspeakers.

¨Do not leave your bags unattended, they may be removed for security purposes.¨
How could we apply this advice about SECURE TRAVEL …to our SPIRITUAL JOURNEY?

[__03___] Be aware of what you have (do not leave your belongings unattended). This is not only about suitcases. It is also about family members younger and older, talents, gifts, intelligence.

We are being asked … how will we spend our free time this summer? With whom will we spend our time?

Keep an eye on what you (I) possess rather than gazing on the valuables of others.

[__04___] All of us are tempted to compare ourselves with others, to wonder what valuables the other person – or person in First Class – may possess.

However, this could be a distraction, an unncesssary distraction even danger?

Am I jealous? Do I judge others? Do I focus on others so much …that I do things only to be popular? To be approved?

Doing so, I may leave my valuables unattended.

[__05___] St. Augustine puts it this way…
In the context of sinfulness and repentance ..and honesty about ourselves.
Saint Augustine puts this in the context of sinfulness and repentance.
To re-state this advice, Augustine is saying that the “lost” traveler is not one who is delayed or has missed a flight. The “lost” traveler is the one who is paying attention only to the other people ….

• In the airport
• In the classroom

This is the person not yet ready to take ownership of his bags, leaving them unattended and paying excessive attention to others.

St. Augustine puts it this way exactly … sometimes… “men are hopeless creatures ..and the less they concentrate on their own sins [baggage], the more they become interested in the sins of others. They seek to criticize …they are ready to accuse others…”

[__06___] Jesus the Lord is our companion who reminds not to be distracted by the valuables – or the failings – of others.

[__07___] During journeys, travels, we may not only have to attend to our belongings.

We may also be asked to open them…

Every day, in our journey of conversion, the Lord is inviting us to open up to him, in prayer. He also would like to consider ..what we have and what we are carrying.
So, that in prayer, we may also put these gifts before him.

Yes, our sorrows are burdensome.

He also wants to know what we value … and what is valuable.
• our intelligence.
• our talents
• our time

By the way, it may seem that others go through the security checkpoints of life much more easily and quickly than we do. Our journey may seem slower.

Perhaps, we may even be slowed down, by NOT focusing on others so much.

In other words, by avoiding jealousy, bitterness … we may actually slow down.

By avoiding doing things which are simply easy or popular … we may find ourselves towards the back of the line.

Our journey may seem more difficult.

We believe that Christ is here to help us with these burdens …the that in Christ the yoke is easy and burden light. [__END___]

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