Sunday, July 24, 2011

Auction Prices (2011-07-24)

[__01 ___] In this Sunday’s Gospel, we read about ACQUISITION …and the price of making the ACQUISITION.

There is treasure for sale to be acquired. The examples given in the parables are the “pearl of great price” and the “hidden treasure in the field.”

These 2 treasures are symbols of the Gospel, of the Commandments, of the Good News.

And, at times, following Christ – loving as he has loved us – can cost us something. In the parables, the buyer liquidates – cashes in – all of his assets to buy the treasure.

In other word, the buyer does not only acquire one new object but also renounces all of his existing possessions.

Would you and I be willing do the same?

[__02 ___] The buying and selling of material treasure is an example. How does the price get to be so high … so inflated?

Well, imagine that these items – these treasures – were being sold at an auction – at Christie’s auction house in New York on Ebay, online, on the internet.

At Christie’s or on E-bay, the property is awarded to the highest bidder. If one person (or any number of persons) were willing to pay a higher price for what I want, then I would have to pay just as much or more.

Such is the bidding process for precious stones, paintings, and other things.

[__03 ___] What about the buying and selling of spiritual treasure, of the Gospel?
Can I buy the Gospel. Of course, you and I can buy religious articles, books …but to own the Gospel, this is going to cost even more.

But, this is something that we have begun to live each day…


[Marriage ] Isn’t it true of a married couple, bride and groom, husband and wife that they promise to give everything to each other?
They are not simply receiving (acquiring) one another. Rather, their promise (vow) is also a renunciation of all others.

[Family/Parenting ] This is also true of mothers and fathers who welcome and raise their children.

And, for individuals who care for loved ones who may be ill, or terminally ill.
[School/Team ] The same is true in school, We don’t just acquire knowledge but we also RENOUNCE – give up other things in order to get it. Isn’t this true of athletes on teams… they make sacrifices for the team…

And, in school and at home, we need classmates and teammates who are examples of a good work ethic… those who will help us attain our potential.

This keeps the auction price high.

[__04 __] However, does everybody make these sacrifices?

Jesus, for example, points out that the Pharisees are into outward religious show – They appear to be making sacrifices but are really seeking discount.

And, I think we sometimes can see this in others – we see – at times those who are not willing to pay very much attention to the commandments, to the Gospel. They are not willing to do the right thing.

This can make life seem easier… as the “price of true love & sacrifice” seems to decrease.

[__05 __] In these parables, Jesus is asking us not to be taken in by these apparently low-price alternatives…

Yes, the Gospel is at times, costly. But, he has made the first payment for our lives, for our salvation…

As Paul also writes…”you were bought with a price.”

By his life, death, and resurrection, Jesus buys our salvation. And, he is asking us to make a similar payment in our sacrifices for others.

This is the pearl of great price.


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