Sunday, May 9, 2021

W.F.H. (2021-05-09, 6th Sunday Easter / Mother's Day)

 Sunday 6th week of Easter / 2021 May 9

__ Acts 10:25-26, 34-35,44-48    __ Psalm 98   /  __ 1 John 4:7-10 ___+ John 15:9-17  


Title: Work From Home


 [start   / finish  ]


[__01__]   There is a somewhat famous proverb or wise saying that “a mother’s work is never done” …. Or “a mother’s work is never finished”

          Many of you have lived this in your calling as a mother or godmother or grandmother or a mother figure in your life.  A mother’s work…


[__02__]    Mothers also practice and do these efforts in a particular way that is focused on giving those in their care a stable and secure environment in which to live.  Of course, countless women carry out work and careers professionally, in office buildings, and in many professions and many hours.

          Yet, mothers can teach some of something about a way of working and doing that many of us have been doing – sometimes painfully and inconveniently for the past 16 months and counting.

          Mothers “work from home”.

In March of 2020, many employers started to advise their employees – who would normally have commuted to an office – to set up their workstation and computer in their residence, to connect to the wi-fi the printer and more at home, that due to the pandemic and dangers of travel, they were told to work from home.

          This is not a homily about how to work from home, but rather using the theme of “work from home” as it relates to Jesus’ commandments of love and charity.


no means am I suggesting that a

that something that many of us have also been catching on to


[__03__]  I’ve noticed in reading certain news articles and memos that the letters “W”- “F” – “H” are showing up with some frequency and often without any explanation.  Was I supposed to know that WFH = “working from home”?

          Yes, you too.  Just so, we are on the same page. WFH = Work from home.


[__04__]   Last year, around this time when it was the feast of the Ascension which we observe next Sunday – [ BE SURE TO ANNOUNCE AT END OF MASS THAT THERE IS 1 &  ONLY 1 MASS ON THURS MAY 13 at 8:30 am  and “Ascension is on Sunday” ]— there was a picture of Jesus floating in the air above his disciples on his way to heaven with the caption:

          “Ascension Day, the day Jesus started to work from home.”

          So, W-F-H is everywhere on earth and beyond. It’s a hashtag in heaven too.


[__05__]     I’d like to connect with and reflect on “work from home” ast it relates to à

·        Messiah and Jesus’ mission

·        Mothers and their work

·        Me and you and our calling


In order to get the “M’s” to line up, I had to put “me” before you, something I was not to do. I’m trying to learn to work from home properly.


[__06__]   1st. the Messiah – Jesus – and his mission.

          Jesus worked strenuously in his mission among, as the word made flesh who pitched his tent among us to make a home – first among his closest disciples at the Last Supper and then for all of us with the gift of his Body and Blood.

          Jesus, our Savior and Messiah, gives up his life to give us a home. In the Father’s house, there are many mansions.  In His love for us, he is working from home and in our home.

          Love is about having a home.

          Jesus ∑ summarizes it this way:

I no longer call you slaves because a slave does not know what his master is doing. I have called you friends because I have told you everything I have heard from my Father. It was not you chose me, but I who chose you…  (John 15:___)

          Jesus washes the feet of his disciples at the Last Supper, washing even Peter who does not want his feet washed because he feels unworthy, Jesus does this to remind them by this menial, ground-floor-level, manual-labor task that they are loved and cared for by him that he will give up his life for them, for you for me.

          Jesus is, then, not at a distance, but with you, in your life.  Jesus works for you, in your home. Jesus works from home.

          That’s the first M, “Messiah”


[__07__]  Now, the 2nd M. “Mothers”

          Mothers work from home. Mothers work from home even when we are not aware of their quote unquote “work”

          At my mother’s birthday a few years ago which was one of those major milestone birthdays with speeches and toasts, my brother told this story from our childhood, observing and remembering that when my mother was raking leaves in October or November in front of the house and were also either not helping at all not only helping a little, my mother would rake the leaves into piles not only so that they could be taken away, but raked the leaves into piles so that we could jump around in them.

          It was a touching reminder / example of what mothers do… they take what is work them and make it a delight and convenience for their children and others.

          That’s working from home.

          Thanks, Mom !

          I would like to adjust to this…that is, when things are not not going well …whether it is something serious not so serious, I would like to remember – but often do not – that it’s good to take what is laborious or burdensome for me …or even what might make me “look bad” …and turn this into a source of humor or lightheartedness for others.   

          That is, I am often too focused on raking up the leaves and hauling them away, rather than enjoying them…. Or working from the standpoint of home.

          I might prefer that the leaves would fall into piles all their own. That’s not how life is.

          Work from home.


[__08__]    What about me and you?

          The third M.  “Me and you”

          While the pandemic of COVID19 has shaken the foundations of our residences and caused earthquakes of frustration, at times, has it not – at least once in a while – taught us the value of love within our 4 walls and under own roof and among our neighbors and friends, even if we speak to them remotely.

          It is reminder that me and you have a finite time together. Life is finite not only because one day we will die but also because one day our children will be older and more independent, or someone we love may move away or have an illness..or someone we love may die.

          Love them now. Work from home.

          This month of May, we celebrate our devotion to our Blessed Mother through whom Jesus has first home on earth, even before he was born and we can honor him by our respect and love for all children, or all persons at every stage of life and by our thanksgiving to God for our own lives, and by trying to live the commandment to honor both our fathers and mothers.   

          Our Lady of Lourdes, pray for us.          Work from home….  [__fin__] 

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