Sunday, March 8, 2020

3.G. + Coronavirus (2020-03-08, Lent-02)

2020-03-08 – 2nd Sunday LENT
__ Genesis 12:1-4a ________ Psalm ____  2 Timothy 1:8b-10 __ +Matthew 17:1-9__

Title:   Guarded, God-Focused, Gospel Proclaiming

[_01_]    I have been blessed to travel a few times between 2009 and 2014 to Port-au-Prince and Haiti with Seton Hall University college students to help out 2 orphanages/clinics. One is run by a Catholic foundation in Richmond (Virginia). The other is run by Mother Teresa’s sisters.
          And, of course, like all travelers, we had to – even back then – take precautions about handwashing and hand-sanitizing.  And, we were trained further “in country” by Mother Teresa’s sisters.
          Now, while Mother Teresa’s clinic / orphanage and refuge for adults appeared to be a lot less modern than a U.S. hospital, it was carefully __ GUARDED …
It was ___ GOD-FOCUSED …
[_02_]    I know it’s hard to imagine life before the coronavirus, but I suggest this is a time for us to be "3-G" ....  i.e., to be "“guarded” and on guard in practical ways and also to be “God-focused” and “Gospel proclaiming”

[_03_]    First, what does it mean to be “guarded”?  It means to take practical steps. You and I can take practical steps – steps we’ve already taken – and taken before during flu season to wash our hands, to avoid large gatherings to stay home from church when we do not feel well. And here at Lourdes, we’ve been following these steps for those who distribute Holy Communion and will continue to do so.
          So, yes, we guard ourselves and our families in practical ways.
          In Haiti, in these orphanage-clinical settings the students and leaders had to be careful. If someone was not feeling well, that person stayed behind and did not go out to the orphanage that day or any day.
          Be guarded…

[_04_]    I made 5 trips to Haiti, between 2009 and 2014. By the 5th time, I knew what do, right?
And yet… on the 2nd to last day, of my last / 2014 trip, I caught something, stomach flu, food poisoning. I don’t know what, but it was a bad case of a tummy ache. This is a family program. You get the idea.
Was I “guarded”? No and Yes.  “No” I was not guarded because I caught something, but Yes I was guarded because – on my 2nd to last day … at 3:00 am in the morning, I summoned the courage, wisdom, whatever it was to have someone take me to the emergency room.  I was “guarded” enough to overcome my fear of the hospital at that point and got the help I needed and to ask someone for help.

[_05_]    By the time I got to the E.R., I had lost a lot of fluid and was partially dehydrated. I was not totally dehydrated, because a living person is always somewhat “hydrated”. I got an I.V. intravenous for fluids and recovered in about 24 hours.
          But what brought on my greater and uncomfortable symptoms was not the original “tummy ache” but my lack of hydration.

[_06_]    Right now, one of the coronavirus dangers – for you and for me – is that we will become partially or fully dehydrated not from the virus but from fear, anxiety, stress.
          C.S. Lewis wrote that what God want us to be concerned about is what we can and will do, during a crisis, during any crisis.
          The evil spirit, the devil, on the other hand, wants us to focus on what will happen to us (C.S. Lewis, The Screwtape Letters, New York: Harper Collins, 1996, Ch. 6, p. 25) In other words, evil spirit wants us to focus on our fears.
          However, fear becomes much easier to comprehend and to to exercise some self-control when we understand what we can and will do, rather than focusing on the fear itself.
          Or as F.D.R., President Roosevelt famously said: “the only thing we have to fear is fear itself.”

[_07_]        So, yes,  be guarded but also be God-focused. Or, as the I heard from this recent sermon said, “God is bigger than the coronavirus.” (see above).
          Pray for both international and national leaders, for physicians, nurses, heath care workers, EMS, firefighters, police and first responders.
          Pray for the people of our country and also for the people of hard hit countries: China, Japan, Korea, Iran, Italy.
          Pray for the World Health Organization + Centers for Disease Control and for our V.P. and his team in the U.S.
[_08_]     We read in the 4th chapter of Paul’s letter to the Philippians, how we are to pray:
          “Have no anxiety at all, but in everything, but prayer and petition, with thanksgiving make your requests known to God.”  (Philippians 4:6)
          So, yes, be “God-focused” prayerfully and also “guarded” practically.
[_09__]    At this time, we are also called to be “Gospel-proclaimers”
          The clinic run by Mother Teresa’s sisters had many poor, impoverished children and also adults who needed to be taken in.
          I learned, however, something about “proclaiming the Gospel” not just based on what these Missionaries-of-Charity-Sisters did when they were “open” and working.
          And, when they were “open”, there was always a new 911 emergency case.
          I learned by how the “closed” …  during the week, they were open from morning until night except for one day, only for a little while in the morning, then they closed the gate so that the could withdraw for prayer and also for service to those already inside.
          There was this interview with Mother Teresa herself in which she was asked “how long do you and your sisters pray and how does relate to your service work?”
          Mother Teresa: “Normally we pray one hour a day, but when we are very busy, we pray TWO hours a day…”
          In order for us to be Gospel-focused, we also need at times to withdraw, for silence and to recall that God is in charge, perhaps, also to increase our prayer time.
          We may need to turn off the news …to fast from the news once in a while, to withdraw.
          As Saint Paul writes to the Philippians as well:
whatever is true, whatever is…. Honorable, just, pure, lovely, gracious, think about these things, keep on doing what you have learned and heard and received and seen in me.  Then the God of peace will be with you.”  (Philippians 4:8-9)
          Yes, be guarded, be Gospel-proclaimers, and also be God-focused.  And, the God of peace will be with us. [_fin__]    

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