Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Fire in the Desert (Lent, 3rd Sunday, 2016-02-28)

3rd Sunday of Lent Year C   /   2016 February 28

[ Exodus  3:1-8a, 13-15  Psalm 103 ●    1 Corinthians 10:1-6, 10-12Luke 13:1-9 ]

[__01__]  In our reading today from the Book of the Exodus, chapter 3, Moses is in the desert / wilderness alone. And, he has been there for some time. He is probably accustomed to building his own fires and is accustomed to his own independent  ways. Now, he sees a fire that he did not build.

Moses sees a fire in a bush which is not consumed by flames.

At first, this is Moses the experienced wilderness wanderer and resident-shepherd of the flock who wants to see what is up with the burning bush.
He is curious.

[__02__]  In our 40 days of Lent, we are invited to a sense of curiosity and exploration also. Not only are repentance and humility are part of our journey but also imagination and creativity about where God is.
In order to survive the desert, Moses has been using all of his imaginative and creative powers.
What is happening at this fire scene?

[__03__]  This is the fire from which Moses wants to escape. The Lord wants him to go to Pharoah to rescue the Hebrew people from slavery.
But, Moses protests that this he is not the right applicant for this job:
He tells the Lord in the “interview”
·        Pharaoh won’t believe me (therefore … escape the fire)
·        Pharaoh’s army is too strong (therefore … escape the fire)
·        and, by the way, I’m not so eloquent, I cannot speak publicly and well. (therefore … escape the fire)
Don’t send me. I want to escape the fire. Moses the prophet has a difficult time believing in the mission to free his people from slavery. At least, at first, he does.
Moses would probably question the message of the Psalm:
“Your word is a lamp for my steps and a light for my path” (Psalm 119:105)
It is a gradual process for Moses to get on board.

[__04__]  Fires require investigation.

However, in the case of this fire, Moses is the subject of the investigation. You and I are the subjects of the investigation during Lent.
We are called into the desert these 40 days for investigation and examination too.
Not with a fear of what the examination will uncover or what we might be charged with but rather with what we might discover in ourselves.

[__06__]  One of our spiritual practices is to sit before the Lord.
This is also the one-on-encounter that Moses has.
We can be in the Lord’s presence when we   sit before God’s presence in our Tabernacle of the Blessed Sacrament. Doing this, we imitate Moses before the Burning Bush and also Jesus who prays in Gethsemani.
 This is our personal encounter with Christ.

 Praying and speaking with him, we also listen for God to speak and for God to us to light a fire within us.


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