Sunday, December 8, 2013

Baptism of Water / Fire (2013-12-08)

This is my homily for Sunday December 8, 2013.  I am a Catholic chaplain at  Fairleigh Dickinson University (FDU, Teaneck),   FDU Newman Catholic Association,  New Jersey City University (NJCU) in Jersey City.  At FDU, Sunday Evening Mass is celebrated 5:00 pm during Fall 2013 and Spring 2014. at FDU Chapel, 842 River Road, Teaneck. 

2nd Sunday, Advent, Year A ••  Isaiah 11:1-10 •• Psalm 72 ••  Romans 15:4-9  •• Matthew 3:1-12  ••

Title:   Baptism By Water and Fire (2013-12-08, Advent)

[__01_]     This Sunday, we read about water and about fire.

For our safety and shelter, we upgrade, we make arrangements to keep ourselves safe from both water and fire.

A storm, “superstorm” or hurricane, can bring dangerous tides and surges from the Atlantic Ocean or the bay or the river. 

The Gospel parable of Matthew, chapter 7 tells us of the wise man who built his house on rock, on a rock/stone foundation. Then, the rain came, the winds below and buffeted the house. But, on a rock foundation, the house was safe.

[__02_]     Then, in many ordinary situations, we also have alarms, detectors, and sprinklers to keep ourselves safe from fire and flames.

[__03_]      Water and Fire… maybe we should stay away?

On the other hand, in the Gospel this Sunday, baptism is introduced to us as a blessing of water and a blessing of fire.

First, there is the water-Jordan-River baptism by John the Baptist.

Secondly, there is the baptism of fire, the baptism with the Holy Spirit and with fire.

In our ritual/sacrament of baptism we observe both symbolically… we received – in our own baptisms - water poured over our heads.

And, we received the fire, the light of the baptismal candle, from the Paschal Candle.

[__04_]    Both water and fire can transform a landscape, a forest, a city.

And, the gifts of the Holy Spirit – through Baptism and the sacraments also transform our 

[__05_] This Sunday, in the Book of Isaiah, we read the traditional gifts of the Holy Spirit  …
·         Wisdom and understanding
·         Counsel and strength
·         Knowledge and fear of the Lord

The Holy Spirit comes as both water and fire, as a transforming presence… The transformation also invites us to change, to conversion.

After an actual climate event – a storm, a forest fire…the residents either move or rebuild.  

They also may have to move to escape the fire line or the storm surge.

We may, at times, also be tempted to try and move to escape the gifts of the Holy Spirit.

We may – initially  - say …yes, please give me more…
·         Wisdom and understanding
·         Counsel and strength
·         Knowledge and fear/respect of the Lord

Then, saying this, we are also called to accept the gifts of the Holy Spirit, and act on them … for example…

[__06_]    The gifts of WISDOM and UNDERSTANDING.

We might be tempted to gain more wisdom or more understanding when we can receive it on our terms on in our time. Sometimes, wisdom and understanding are a hard struggle.

This is true even in academic setting. We may be tempted to given when a teacher’s explanation is poor, when the classroom environment is unpleasant…or when studying is, simply, the least convenient option on our schedule.

We may, then, put out the fire of knowledge and understanding. 

These gifts, however, burn – and remain a fire when we devote ourselves to learning, to pursuit of the truth.

Outside the classroom, we also pursue truth and knowledge in relationships with others. 

We can tend the fire of the Holy Spirit.

[__07_]     The gifts of COUNSEL and STRENGTH.

The gifts of the Holy Spirit are a fire.

Sometimes, we let this fire be smothered by our unwillingness to make commitments, to decide, or to seek good advice.

For example, do we seek relationships which make us strong and which help us to live up to our commitments, to the virtues of simplicity and service and purity? … Relationships which give us the right advice, the right counsel and strength.

[__08_]     The gifts of knowledge and fear/reverence for God are also fires of blessing.

In this case, fear also equals respect and reverence for God and God’s gifts.

Sometimes, we treat God’s gifts – whether this is a gift of one’s own person (e.g., a talent) or the gift of another person as though they are possessions to be evaluated, analyzed..perhaps returned on 12/26.

On the other hand, with respect for God, we also strive for God’s knowledge, and to love as God loves.

This also helps keep the fire of baptism and the fire of the Holy Spirit burning.

[__09_]    Our acceptance of these gifts  of the Holy Spirit will, however, invite us to turn away or to change.

In this regard, the fire may cause some discomfort or pain.

Baptisms by fire usually do…they are often a severe ordeal or initial experience.

[__10_]     This fire is meant to burn within each of us, in our hearts, in our consciences.

It is a fire for which we care for … we tend.

The Holy Spirit not a fire that we can completely control… like a controlled burn … by forest rangers – or Smokey the Bear - in the Rocky Mountains.

The fire and the gifts of the Holy Spirit are beyond our control… that is, if we have experienced the touch of conscience telling us right from wrong… even when the right choice is the less desirable choice..then, this is the uncontrolled burn of the Holy Spirit.

In this regard, the fire is Good News, the fire indicates we are alive.

And, the fire, is not something to escape … but rather to discover, to find. The fire is our shelter, our home with God.    [__fin__]  

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