Sunday, July 15, 2012

Traveler's Advisory (2012-07-15)

This is my homily for 15  July 2012 (Sunday). I am a Catholic chaplain in Teaneck at Fairleigh Dickinson University (FDU) campus and for the FDU Newman Catholic Association. We celebrate Catholic Mass - during Fall and Spring semester - every Sunday Evening (7:00 p.m.) at the Interfaith Chapel, 842 River Road, Teaneck, NJ.  We resume Sunday August 26, 2012.  

[_01_]       In this Gospel, we read instructions to the 12 apostles who are traveling and receive a list of things to bring, a list of things not to bring. It’s a traveler’s advisory for their journey/jornada.

In our own journeys – especially for international journeys and for airport security -- we also have to care of some of the same things mentioned in the Gospel
·         belts
·         money in our belts, metal coins in our pockets
·         food and/or water we are carrying
·         carry on bags and extra clothing
·         shoes

We know that our carry on baggage must fit in the overead compartment or beneath the seat in front of us. Put the tray table in the upright position. Keep your seatbelt fastened until the captain indicates that it is safe to move about the cabin.

[_02_]   Following these rules, we surrender at the airport to the agents, flight attendants, pilots.

If we want to fly United Airlines, then we have to follow the rules of UA. It’s very simple, direct, explicit.

 [_03_]    However, the Gospel does not offer “travel advisory” for suitcases … but rather for the person carrying the suitcase.

In this Gospel, Jesus is emphasizing the importance of detachment, simplicity.
And, as we read elsewhere…
“do not lay up for yourselves treasure in heaven…”  (Matthew 6:19)

Thus, when we for example, sacrifice generously for another person without regard for reward, we are laying up treasure in heaven.

This may mean putting down my baggage to carry the bag of someone else.

Or, caring for someone who is aging, sick.

 [_04_]    The Lord is also teaching us about repentance and penance.

Is it more difficult for a rich man/woman/family or a wealthy executive or celebrity to enter the Kingdom of God?  

Yes, they can be tempted by many spirits of evil.  Comfort itself can be an idol.And, that idol is more easily stored in the overead compartment in First Class.

So, in this Gospel, Jesus sends his apostles out with few possessions. But, he does send them out two by two, together, in relationships.

This companionship, love is their true travel security.

 [_05_]   Also, this simplicity, on the other hand, is meant to help the apostle –a and help us – to be humble, to repent of our sins.

And, to grow in humility and repentance without regard for our security and comfort.

 [_06_]    In particular, do I repent of my sins only in the hope of a reward. Of course, we do so for a heavenly reward.

But, do I want something more tangible, immediate?

The desire for reward influences my choices in transportation – whether  we are buying a car or a plane ticket.

Who will give me zero % APR, a free upgrade, or double frequent flyer miles?

 [_07_]    Often, we are willing – able – encouraged to repent when some valuable reward awaits.
For example, a child is persuaded to apologize. Then, in return, he can go outside and play or eat his favorite food.

In this forgiveness is not valued. Rather, forgiveness is a traveler’s cheque or  currency which I exchange or convert into something that I really want. 

 [_08_]    The Lord encourages us to see penance as a step forward rather than backward.

Of course, in order to repent, or reflecto n my own life, I will examine something in the past. This will be a meditation, an examination of conscience and examination of my actions. But, penance is not simply a travel restriction or delay.

However, in doing penance , confessing my sins, I will also be moving forward.

In this the Lord is asking me to turn my attention away from someone / something I envy.  Or want to possess.

Or, to admit my fault simply because I want to be free, because I want to turn back to God.

Repentance is a journey, an invitation to keep moving, to draw closer to God, and to move away from things that may be too heavy to carry physically or spiritually.  [_fin_]   

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