Sunday, June 25, 2023

New Direction (2023-06-25, Sunday - 12)

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2023-06-25–  12th Sunday   ●●   Exodus   ●●  Psalm ●● Romans 5:12-15  ●●   +Matthew 10:_____ ●●    TITLE:  New Direction

 [_01__]    Many years ago, I remember feeling uncomfortable for a while about something that someone said to me. He was reacting to something I had told him.   I am guilty of this form of worrying, that is, to worry about what other people say about me or think about me. Are you guilty of this form of worrying?  With time, I might “grow out” of or forget about my worry.

I'd like to share how this incident  took place --- in Part 1 as the REACTION … Part 2, the RECOVERY ..and Part 3, the REUNION.

[_02__]    This is Part 1. REACTION.

In August of 2001, which was many years ago, I saw an old friend – Dave – and told him I was entering seminary to study for the priesthood. Dave was shocked, stunned, and absolutely opposed to the idea.

          There is a scientific “law” in physics that says: “every action produces an equal and opposite reaction” (Newton’s 2nd law of motion), such as jumping into a swimming pool causes the reaction of the waves which are equal and opposite to the volume and weight of your body.

          Dave thought I was “crazy” … “loco” to give up my life, career, future to go into the seminary. I ignored him feeling at least mature enough at that moment that I had to give the seminary a try. But I will admit that my clear memory of the conversation must be because I did care about his “reaction” to my “action”.

          Over time, I imagine Dave forgot all about his reaction.

[_03__]    Part 2. The time is 2022-2023.

RECOVERY. Last year, this year

Dave had a serious health difficulty, which culminated him having to travel to a major hospital thousands of miles from where he lives, to Boston, just so he could have very advanced heart cardiac surgery. Prior to the heart surgery, he was in a coma for several weeks. He had a heart attack, nearly died.

Recently, he texted me to report that while in the coma – in this unconscious state -- he dreamed that I was praying for him in his room. I never visited his room. I feel uncomfortable about talking about somebody else's coma, by the way. Am I violating confidentiality?

I've never visited him in person during his illness or recovery because we live so far from each other. He has had since had the surgery – in Boston – at a very fine hospital and is recovering well.

He texted me “I guess my Catholic faith runs deep.”

I hope that this faith is a new beginning for him in faith and Catholic practice. This RECOVERY might mean that maybe he wasn't truly as opposed in “equal and opposite reaction” to me becoming a priest, as he said he was.

You and I are called to listen carefully what are people saying. What does it truly mean?

[_04__]     What does it mean to go in the equal and opposite direction from everybody else?

I'd like to just give tell a little joke, and then remind you of what Jeremiah is doing. Perhaps you've heard this joke before.

A man arrives home after a long journey traveling on the Garden State Parkway GSP to Exit 145, to return to West Orange.

And after exiting at 145, and, he drives to his house on Eagle Rock Avenue. Coming through the door, his family says to him, we were really worried about you because we heard on the news about 1 (one) car driving in the wrong direction on the Parkway!

He says, “only one? I saw hundreds of cars driving in the wrong direction.”

I.e., [PUNCH LINE] he was going in the opposite direction from everyone else. In this case, he was in the “wrong”.

Is going against the crowd or going against the grain always wrong?

Do I judge what I should do, based only on what others doing or saying?

Am I guilty of that? Yes!

I am guilty of hiding what I did wrong, just because I don't want other people to know about it. I'm guilty of sometimes saying what I want other people to hear. I'm guilty of not being kind to a difficult person just because that person has been so difficult. I'm guilty of not speaking the truth, because I don't think of whether it's a really wants to hear.

Jesus is calling us not just to progress, but to perfection in our lives. And perfection is a tall order. It means being healed of our wounds, being healed of our memories, it means being forgiven of our sins, were born into, for example, and grow into our family relationships, not because our families are perfect, but because they create relationships and places and people through which we grow and are converted. These relationships teach us about forgiveness about mercy, forgiveness of sins, and recognizing that the sin in oneself, the sin we might see in another person might be the same sin we have. Or that the sin we have two needs to be forgiven, is a way of going in a new direction.


[_05__]      Jesus is also pointing us in a different direction, but he's telling us in the Gospel do not, do not fear Be not afraid. Every hair on your head will be counted.

There's not many to count to these days, but every hair will be counted for me and for you. But that that statement does not mean that you and I will never ever suffer discomfort or abuse. “Every hair on your head will be counted” may sound like a promise made by United Airlines that you're going to sit in 1st Class. That's actually not what it means. It means that everything that we do, even our difficulties, are counted. Our difficulties and distresses are part of God's plan. When we suffer, we are growing closer to God. And that God does not forget when we're suffering.

Part 1 was the REACTION; Part 2, RECOVERY which included prayer a healing.

[_06__]       Part 3. REUNION. I had 1 more chance to see my friend Dave in person.

          After living for a year in Boston for his operation, therapy and follow-up, he is now leaving to fly west, back home.

This past Monday, there was a reunion for him of several friends. I was also invited, to a gathering starting at 4 pm this past Monday.

          I figured…no big deal, I’ll leave NJ around 2 or 3 pm and arrive “fashionably late”

Bad idea.  As soon as I got on the road, it was taking way too long. I drove New Jersey, New York over the bridge to Connecticut. It was getting later and later. Unfortunately, I just couldn't get    there.  So I turned around somewhere in Connecticut and came back home. I felt like the guy going in the wrong direction in that joke.

My friend was glad that I at least tried. He sent me a text message later saying, Well, you know what, Jim?

The bad news is, I'll be back. So he left Boston. But he said the bad news is I'll be back that was a sarcastic joke.

What does it mean to live forever? What does it eternal life means it means that you will be back  and old and even more importantly, that Jesus is back in our lives.

It means that no matter what state we are in, whether in CONN or NJ, no matter what state we are in financially, when other what state we are in physically, no matter how old you are, no matter how sick you are, whether you are alone or with family, that we can that you can turn to God to confess your sins. And this is what healing and perfection means to confess our sins to receive absolution to receive God's mercy to act and move in God's direction, regardless of whatever way everyone is moving and reacting.  [_END__

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