Sunday, June 11, 2023

Corpus Christi Sunday (2023-06-11)

___ Click Here for Audio of Homily ___  

___ Click Here for Video of Mass ___ (posted by  3pm, June 11)

2023-06-11–  Corpus Christi     ●●   Deuteronomy 8:2-3, 14b-16a ●●  Psalm 147 ●● 1 Corinthians 10:16-17 ●●   John 6:51-58 ●● 

TITLE:  Corpus Christi

[_01__]      The Book of Deuteronomy has a distinct literary style and purpose, in that the entire Book of Deuteronomy is in quotation marks. It's not air quotes, because Moses is trying to make some sort of symbolic point or emphasis in with air quotes. But the entire Book of Deuteronomy is in quotation marks because the entire book is a speech by Moses, at the end of his life. Before he dies, Moses is giving his deathbed speech. And he's reminding the people in this part when they were hungry, that God fed them in the desert with the manna from heaven.

[_02__]          The manna was a mysterious substance, which they had never seen before, but did in fact, tide them over. The word Manna actually does not translate as “bread”, but as a question: “what is it?”

What is this mysterious substance? They were still in the wilderness. The manna momentarily solved their hunger problem. But it also asked invited them to ask the question on who were they really relying on? Who were they trusting in and who do you and I trust in?

 [_03__]   There are trusted people listening to Jesus today. Some of his disciples, they trust him. This is John chapter 6,  we read of Jesus’ debate with “friends”… with “enemies” and some who could be called “frenemies”. There hung around Jesus for the good times, the miracles and a free meal

          They were friendly to Jesus but fundamentally disliked his teaching.   Now, Jesus is asking everyone – the friends, the enemies, and the frenemies to recognize he is going to lay down his life, and bless us with his Body and Blood in the Eucharist.

And in our final Communion meditation today, we will pray the words and sing with help our choir, cantor, organist, “we adore you, o Christ, and we praise You for by your Holy Cross, you have redeemed the world” = Adoramus Te Christe.

          In John 6th chapter, today,  Jesus reminded them that their ancestors ate the manna in the desert and still died. In other words, there is more to life than getting earthly food and material things.


[_04__]       And, is not true that even earthly banquets give us “nourishment” that is more than simply more calories and carbohydrates?

          In 1991, a good friend visited our  house in my hometown for the first time. He originated as my friend, someone I knew, but quickly endeared himself to the whole family and became a friend to all of us. My mother cried when he departed our home.


[_05__] He came from Japan and was travelling in the U.S.  Our house was his first stop for about a week.

          On the final day of his stay,  we went shopping so he could prepare us a typical Japanese meal with Kirin beer and everything which we very much enjoyed.

          Right before dinner, my sister returned home and was dropped off by a neighbor who wanted to know what was going on in our house.

          We told our neighbor about our Japanese visitor, the meal, everything to which she said, “You have such an interesting life!”

          My mother thought this was funny because hey it was just one meal, just one night !

          But, is it not true that sometimes we have such treasured memories about a Thanksgiving, a Christmas, an Easter, a birthday party,  that that meal can stand for or symbolize our lives.

          This is what the Eucharist and new Passover is meant to be.

It's not just a symbol, it is Jesus's Body and Blood. It is his whole life given to you and me.

Now, why do you come to Sunday Mass, to church? You might say, Padre, I don't really come to mass just for the eucharistic prayer because that's the same every week almost the same every week. Padre, I come to mass because I want to hear the readings and the homily and maybe the other priest instead of you once in a while.

Because readings change every week and homily changes every week. And the Eucharist seems to be the same every week. You're right. But you are changing every week. I am changing every week and we need different graces from Holy Communion every week and it invites us to change.

          Father Ronald Knox, writing about the Holy Eucharist: “we cannot estimate the value or gift of the Holy Eucharist by any human standard of “rarity” – availability.  We confuse value with the price in dollars online or in person, or because a product (object) is difficult to come by …therefore it is worth a great deal or that because an opportunity to enjoy a thing may be rare, that opportunity should not be lost.”

          We are tempted to devalue “church” and God’s Real Presence for example because He is available 24 x 7 and 7:30, 9:30, 11:30 am, 52 Sundays a year and more on Holy Days !
          The Church is here all the time for you – not because your worship and prayer are less valuable – than the latest and greatest tournament or concert, but because they are more valuable.

          Taylor Swift’s concert performance at MetLife was not an act of charity. Your prayer is.

[_06__]  The reason I treasure our family meal and Japanese cuisine memory was not because it was “rare” and “one time only” but also because it was a high point of an ongoing journey and relationship in our family family.

          The moment neither stands alone – nor defines – our family connection.

          The family connection defines the one-time event, not the other way around.

          I am not saying we had a perfect family – far from it !


[_07__]   I am saying that family meals and connections – over time – are made possible also by more than a desire for excellent cuisine or the secret sauce or perfect table setting

          To come to a family table, or to come together in any community, or marriage or even workplace requires that we are seeking more than our own personal satisfaction.

          The Eucharist today is not only about what you receive but also about what you give.

          This is a new Passover which is

also meant to be a liberation and a new journey which will – at times – make us hungry.

          But we gain forgiveness and freedom – Forgiveness = Freedom ! because we have the opportunity – in the church – to confess our sins, to bring our sorrow and humility before God.

          It is important to note what we give back God in act of repentance. It is not our sins. It is our sorrow for our sins.  Sins are bad. Sorrow is good.

          Similarly, when you sit down at table, for a family meal, you also come with your own sinfulness, your own brokenness. But, you also come to the table not to lament what you did wrong, but rather to come to the table in repentance, to give your sorrow and humility to your family, to your loved ones. This is Good News

          In this regard, you are united by God who knows what you need before you ask Him. Nevertheless, ask Him.  This is the Body of Christ. Amen.   [_END__

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