Sunday, May 30, 2021

Trinity Sunday (2021-05-30, Sunday)


Homily – May 30, 2021 -- Trinity Sunday

[__01__]   Once, many years ago, I found myself in the embar sitn of being locked in a room in my apt  & needed someone to call 9-1-1 to free my from my confined space.  This took about 2 hours !

          I was not hurt.

          I even made it to work on time.

          I was very grateful to the fire Department (F.D.) /  firefighters (F.F.) who climbed into the apt, through the window of another room, then through the door & freed we liberated me.  I made it to work on time because I rushed out of there. I recall the FF / FD / PD made me sign the official release – R. M. A. – that I “refused medical attention” which I did because I was both not hurt and not having time to spare.

 I was rescued but I really didn’t know my rescuers

Thank you Hoboken F.D.

[__02_]   In the doctrine of the Resurrexn combined with the Holy Trinity – and today is Trinity Sunday – we are being invited to know our Redeemer, , and that he He does not just stop in once in a while or when we call Him. He is every present. He is eternal.

          We know that our Redeemer lives.

[__03__]    And, so in Christian teaching and in making the Sign of the Cross – which is “In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit …” whether we are age 5 years old, or A-55-YO, or A-105-YO, this reminds us that we have a Savior who wants us to love him and to know him.

          The sign of the cross is not just the beginning and ending of prayer. It is itself a prayer.

          From Catholic Answers: “Not all prayers are made with words. Prayers may also be made by gestures. Christians, like followers of all other religions, practically always pray by the position of the body—say, kneeling or standing—and of the arms and hands—for example, praying with hands outstretched or folded in front. Because we are both body and soul (a human being is not one or the other; a human being is both! We are not angels or simply spirits), we pray with both.

          The sign of the cross engages us not only in word but also in action to love God and to know God.

          To know Him is to love Him.

[__04__]   In the case of my rescure by the F.D., the F.D. was not really concerned about whether I would like them or evaluate highly

on social media (there was no social media back then) or whether I would even be trapped again.

They would be glad to return.. All they wanted from me – after the rescue was signature in pen on paper. I certainly felt their concern for my safety, but once they knew I was OK, we all  moved on to the next thing… they had other calls.

          In the end, these valiant 1st Responders also did not want to make me one of them. They were far beyond me – and still are – in strength and capability, and had other people to assist.


 [__05__]  In the doctrine of the Trinity, we see not only that  the F, S, H.S. want to rescue us … and that Jesus lays down his life for us, but  but also that Jesus wants to resemble Him, to respond to Him …. To behave as he does…. And this is not just a matter of us “signing on the dotted line”  or “checking a box to approve.”

          Jesus invites us to do as he does – to recall that that there is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. (John __ref?__)


[__06__]  Jesus wants us to share in his NATURE.

          And, the word “NATURE” has an important meaning in our understanding of the Holy Trinity.

          In the Trinity, we say that there are 3 persons – the Father, Son, Holy Spirit in 1 divine nature.

          Now, we might use certain analogies or examples say that there have been instances of human beings being super united and bonded ..

          Such as in the 2019 World Cup in Soccer, the USA women’s world cup were united and triumphant in victory.

          On the day of 9/11/2001, the firefighters at the World Trade Center were profoundly united in one purpose and goal of rescue, even knowing themselves that they might not survive. It was in their nature.

[__07__]   And, while these experiences are real, they suggest hat something extraordinary – or worthy of the 24-hour-cable-news must happen for us to be united in a similar way.

          The doctrine of the Holy Trinity is showing us something that applies to all of us, all the of time, also 24 hours a day.

          The doctrine of the Trinity is showing us something about our eternal destiny and our eternal dignity and equality.

[__08__]    One of the things we might struggle to understand about the Trinity – or about God – is how the Father , Son and Holy Spirit can have neither a beginning nor an end. We say that they are all co-eternal.

          They exist outside of time.

          Every object we know exists “in time”.  This past week, there was major news that Jeff Bezos, the CEO of Amazon, is stepping down as CEO and handing over this responsibility to another executive. Jeff Bezos is emphasizing that Amazon will continue even if he is not in charge.

          He might be suggesting that Amazon is “eternal”…and given how dependent we all are on AMZN, it might be hard to imagine the world before AMZN or a world without AMZN.

          But, in fact, everything has a beginning and an end, even AMZN.

Google, on the other hand, might last forever ! (that’s a joke).

[__09__]     So, we know that things and companies and objects have a beginning and end because that’s what we know.

          So, we say for example that a parent must be on earth before a child can be on earth because the parents give birth to children.

          Then again, while children rely on their parents for physical birth – the child also exists “before“ the parent… as we read in Jeremiah (Psalm 139?) , “before I formed you  in the womb I knew you…”

          We have an eternal soul that existed even before were born.

          Also, could we not say that “parent” and “child”  share their existence in this way… in that the mother does not exist until the child exists …. a mother does not exist as a mother until the child exists.

          And, this starts even before the child is born.

          In this, regard, both “mother and child”  or “father and child” come into existence simultaneously.

[__10__]     And, for those of you who are parents, have you not experienced a new life that did not exist before your child was born…a  new life that begin with your motherhood or fatherhood?

          Also, looking ahead at the time horizon, you never stop being a mother or a father, regardless of the age of your child, or if you are separated from your child by time, distance, circumstance, or even death and dying. You still have a responsibility to pray for your child.

          And, similarly, a child never ceases to be the daughter or son of a parent.

          We are connected to each other.

          It’s not just the CDC and pandemic that taught us “we are in this together”.

          It is the Christian life and Trinity teaches us this.

[__11__]     And, the doctrine of the Trinity also reminds us that God does not exist in Himself in a luxury suite or space station far from your house or my house, but rather God exists as a community – a communion – of 3 persons and God loves Himself infinitely and because there is more than 1, he lives and loves as the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

His live is infinitely given, infitnely received and also infinitely shared with us.

In this regard, our Holy Communion – whether this is our First Holy Communion or our Next Holy Communion does not begin with the Body of Christ on the altar or as we approach to receive the Host,  but begins when we recognize that God wants us to know him …. And not just to have him stop in for a 9-1-1 rescue once in a while and then leave us alone again, but wants to know we are loved and made … “in the name of the Father, the Son, and Holy Spirit”. AMEN.


Sunday, May 23, 2021

Pentecost Sunday (2021-05-23)

[__Pentecost Sunday/ Sacrament of Confirmation__]    Homily – May 23, 2021

 [__01__]  Imagine you are asleep in bed and the light begins to come in through your window. Your father or your mother comes into your room, kisses you gently on the forehead, and says, “Good morning, Sweetie. What would you like for breakfast?” “I’d like some oatmeal,” you say. 30 minutes later, you come down dressed and you have your steaming bowl of oatmeal.

That’s the way it is in childhood for many of us, when we’re looked after by our parents or other caregivers. Now, why would you ever give it up? Your mind would have to change in a way that drove you away from your mother’s or your father’s oatmeal / cereal


[__02__]   I read that example in an article about “adolescence” and the adolescent or young adult mind, that all of us once had – or will one day have – or perhaps have right now… between the ages of … age 13 to age 20.

          If your age ends in “-teen”… you have such an adolescent mind.

[__03__]   I bring up this topic because this Sunday – Pentecost Sunday – also happens to be a very special celebration for one of our young people – for _our Confirmation Candidate__ who would normally make the S.C. in September with Bishop Manuel Cruz,  but due to some special circumstances and the pandemic, _our Confirmation Candidate__ will receive this anointing today at this 9:30 am Mass.

          _our Confirmation Candidate__, yes, you have an adolescent mind… but that’s not entirely bad news!

          As many of you may know, the Sacrament of Confirmation was not always celebrated during the teenage / adolescent years. 

          But, now in our Catholic practice especially in the United States, this Sacrament of Confirmation and the coming of the Holy Spirit is associated with young people who in their teenage years.


[__04__]     What was happening at the very first – ancient- “Sacrament of Confirmation” or coming the Holy Spirit upon the apostles in the Upper Room?

          What was the milieu and mood?

          Well, the milieu or scenario was that the apostles were in hiding, concealing themselves in prayer and reverence for God, but also concealing themselves in fear for their lives.

          They had been followers of Jesus who had been put to death for preaching the Gospel and while they knew of his Resurrection, they were not really fully “confirmed”  in what they were to do next.

          Now, in fictional heroic adventures, is there not often a withdrawal – even hiding – that happens along the way to the hero hearing his or her call ?

          Each must be somehow called into action – whether this is Sarah Conner to fight off The Terminator. Sarah Conner has no idea what’s coming next …

          Or Peter Parker who will become Spider-Man. Prior to becoming Spider-Man, Peter Parker is a victim of bullying by his own classmates.

          Heroes as we say are not necessarily “born” …they are called and made.

          And, they are called to adventure.


[__05__]    Ventures of Faith (John Henry Newman Sermon ?)

          In my own experience, I recognize my own desire and inclination to “withdraw” and hide when I am supposed to act and trust not simply in my own gifts and talents but in God’s gifts to me.

          I am also called to remember that the proof of doing the right thing is not based on the evidence that someone has thanked me…or appreciated me …. Or rewarded me…but that that this is based on a connection to God in my conscience. It is based on a reward in heaven, not on earth.


[__06__]    Recently, I read an article about the advantages of having a teenage or adolescent brain.

          _our Confirmation Candidate__ may not think that there is an advantage to being a teenager; you may not think that there is an advantage to being a teenger… but I’d like to touch on some information from scientists and connect this to the Gospel and to God’s grace in our lives.

          First of all, recall what we do – the prayer we make before we hear the Gospel at Sunday Mass or in church.

          We make the sign of the cross on our MIND (on our forehead), on our LIPS (over our mouths) and on our HEART (over our heart).

          It’s a little prayer for the Gospel but also a prayer we might make at any time of day or night, at any time when we are not sure which to turn or whether to stay or go, Lord… let your word be on my MIND, on my LIPS, and on my HEART. 

          I have found myself doing this before I meet someone, before I pick the up the telephone….and I might also say that that the same applies before we send a text or email, before we communicate …that the word of God will not only INFORM us, but also help us to PERFORM and be transformed.


[__07__]    Now, regarding our own human development and our prayer for Bryon.

          I’d like to remind you that no matter what age you are, whether younger or older, you are always growing and changing.

          This is true not just for adolescents but for adults.

          I’d like to touch on 3 things, based on an article from U. California (Berkeley)




[Part. 1. RISK]

          There is, shall we say, a game of RISK and RISK-TAKING that we see teenagers and adolescents engaged in. Sometimes, their risk-taking behaviors will strike fear into the hearts of their parents.

          One time, I arrived home at 5 am …my father was up waiting. He was just glad that I was alive.

          I was glad that he did not kill me.

          Researchers have studied and proven, however, that a young person’s willingness to take risks and accept risks is part of his or her natural learning process.

          John Henry Newman wrote this about the “venture of faith”:

it is quite true, that all of us must for certain make ventures for heaven, yet without the certainty of success through them. This, indeed, is the very meaning of the word "venture;" for that is a strange venture which has nothing in it of fear, risk, danger, anxiety, uncertainty. Yes; so it certainly is; and in this consists the excellence and nobleness of faith; this is the very reason why faith is singled out from other graces, and honoured as the especial means of our justification, because its presence implies that we have the heart to make a venture.  (Volume 4, Sermon 20, The Ventures of Faith, Parochial and Plain Sermons)

          We rejoice in the Sacrament of Confirmation for _our Confirmation Candidate__ and for all of our young people that it might help them to make the venture of faith and the venture of love and the venture of hope.

          It can seem risky, these days, even to be hopeful !

          Take the risk!


          I remind you that in the prayer and blessing of your “lips” – the sign of the cross – over your lips, this is also a prayer that you and I can “risk” and take the venture of speaking God’s Word of truth to each other.

          May the word of God be on our lips.



[Part. 2. REWARD]

          The brain researchers at Berkely pointed out that the adolescent brain is particularly motivated by REWARD, by the desire to see and get a REWARD.

          Sometimes, this desire for reward may frustrate or confuse parents / teachers / coaches. Why must I always reward my teenager? Why don’t they see the inherent value of hard work, the reward of a job well done?

          But, the researchers are simply saying that a teeenager’s interest in being rewarded also shows that he  or she is an even better learner, is more adaptable to new lessons and tasks.

          One researcher said this:

          “There is probably an evolutionary reason for why teenagers are more emotional. One reason is that emotion helps us connect with other people…. Emotions also serve as an important learning tool. When you feel a particular emotion, you’re more likely to remember the event.”

          We pray, reading the Gospel that the Word of God will bless our hearts, that the Word of God will bless also our emotions, our feelings, that the Word of God may bless and strengthen us through our moments of happiness and sadness, courage and fear.

          It is a myth that teenagers should quiet or silence all their emotions… teenagers – all of us – are called to live with and understand our emotions so that we are not ruled by them.

          May the word of God us to understand the rewards being given us .. may the Word of God be on our hearts.




          We pray also for you, _our Confirmation Candidate__, and for all of us that the Word God will be part of our ‘REFLECTION’ that it will be on our minds.

          One of the reasons we receive the Sacraments, and Sacrament of Holy Communion is that we believe that we are ever changing.

          And, in the adolescent brain, one thing that researchers know ver well – is that the decision making part of the brain is growing continuously throughout childhood and really does not finish growing until age 25.

          One researchers described it this way…that there are 2 sides of the brain and they really balance each other out… but when we are young, the more “excitable” part is winning. The example that is given is the 2 heroes of the Star Trek TV show -  Captain James Kirk (who is very excitable and loud) …and Mr. Spock (who is very calm and intellectual and careful).

          Well, as teenagers, most of us are more like Captain Kirk than Mr. Spock.   In other words, before we reach adulthood – and our mid-20’s – the very impulsive “Captain Kirk” side is charging ahead and  the calm “Mr. Spock” is trying to keep up. There is a lack of balance.

          But, this lack of balance also means that we are growing, changing, capable of so much and reminds us that what grownups may dismiss as mere annoyances – the impulsiveness – are also things that help teenagers to learn and succeed.

          We pray that we will blessed in our ability to reflect, to know God’s word, that God’s word will always be in our mind.


          While we have reflected here on our human  RISK … our human REWARD ..and our human REFLECTION … we are also called to remember that the Holy Spirit comes to us remind us that we do live our lives in communion with the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit and that God loves us, and wishes to share His mercy with us each day.

          For _our Confirmation Candidate__ and for all those who receive Baptism, Confirmation, Communion ….

Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and kindle in them the fire of your love. Send forth your Spirit and they shall be created. And You shall renew the face of the earth.

O, God, who by the light of the Holy Spirit, did instruct the hearts of the faithful, grant that by the same Holy Spirit we may be truly wise and ever enjoy His consolations, Through Christ Our Lord, Amen.


Sunday, May 16, 2021

Ascension (2021-05-16, Ascension / 7th Sunday Easter)

Homily – May 16, 2021

7th Sunday of Easter / Ascension

[__01__]  A few years ago, I read an article  about an American-based NASA Astronaut and his Russian - counterpart a – Russian cosmonaut and they were working together on the International Space Station (I.S.S.) which  is a laboratory / dormitory / home/place of studying and living for astronauts & scientists that exists as an installation ___254__ miles above and is in orbit  rotating around the earth.

As this “heavenly-place” is the [INT’L]  S.S. at any moment time there are Chinese, Japanese, - Russian, Canadian, Americans who are working & collaborating together.

This particular pair of the R & A really enjoyed working together on the science of the S.S. and it represented a kind if IDEAL environment far above the earth.

That is, while their respective governments might be fighting it out or disagreeing here on earth on  tariffs or taxes or military, or Urkaine, or the price of oil or any (or many other things) these asstronaouts could work & cooperate and collaborate and achieve great things for the befferment of everyone - of all

countries --   ___254 __ miles above the surface of the Earth.   (A regular airplane flies at only 7 miles above the earth… so 254 is pretty high up !)

[__02__]   1 of the reasons the TV show – and movies Star Trek was popular -& ahead of it time – was that the “Starship (space ship) Enterprise ”  had such a diverse cast of characters of all backgrounds and & races and cultures and also in its way an I.S.S. of collaboration & peacefulness. But is our mission only in heaven…far above the earth … it may seem easier to cooperate far from here..somehwere else..

[__03__]   In a  sermon about The Solemnity and Feast and Gospel of the Ascension  B16 reminds us that we have missions and work to do, to build the kingdom of God on earth.

          Yet, we also note that our worship and prayer and Sunday  Mass speaks frequently of going up or being lifted up.

[__04__]    In a few moments, we’ll pray the Liturgy of the Eucharistic Prayer in which the priest, invites us …”The Lord be with you…. and with your spirit” and then… “Lift up your heart”…. - "We lift them  up to the lord …

B16 wrote that we can come to an understanding of “A into heaven” but we’ll do so not by a single verse or even a single moment or book of the New Testament.

Even the Apostles, who had traveled with Jesus personally and witnessed his resurrection were a bit confused confounded at the [A] of our Savior into heaven, thus the angels spoke to them – kind of chastised and challenged them -- in the Acts of the Apostles Chapter 1:  “”Men of Galilee, why do you stand here looking up into the sky “ (Acts 1:11)

          What do we do when we are in difficulty or confusions or distress?

Sometimes, we stand here looking up into the sky – looking out the window for an answer –

The answer is probably not be in the sky. The answers to our lives are closer to us than this… but rather in our hearts …

I’d like to make an analogy using the natural world…

[__05__]    I’d  like to give an example of a natural phenomenon and natural disaster that made an impression.

In 2004, the devastating earthquake and tsunami (tidal wave) occurred in the Indian Ocean and there was severe flooding in Thailand, Indonesia, SE Asia, as far away as India.

I read, however, that there were signs in the sky that some people were able to recognize as signficiant, to recognize as the tsunami.

News story from January 2005 -- Members of the ancient Jarawa tribe emerged from their forest habitat Thursday for the first time since the Dec. 26 tsunami and earthquakes that rocked the isolated Andaman and Nicobar Islands, and in a rare interaction with outsiders announced that all 250 of their fellow tribespeople had survived.

"We are all safe after the earthquake. We are in the forest in Balughat," Ashu, an arrow-wielding Jarawa, said in broken Hindi through an interpreter in a restricted forest area in the northern reaches of South Andaman island.

Government officials and anthropologists believe that ancient knowledge of the movement of wind, sea and birds may have saved the indigenous tribes from the tsunami.

In other words, they did not simply look into the sky but applied what they saw in the sky to earth below..

On the other hand, the average tourist – visiting the same island and having traveled from London or Los Angeles, from Europe or the Americas, did not fare so well.  They might have looked into the sky but did not recognize what they were seeing.

[__06__]    We come here to pray to have our faith nourished not simply to  look up at the sky or to even to look ahead to a faraway place in heaven that is so for  beyond our understanding.

          St. Paul wrote: “Eye has not seen, ear has not heard what God hath prepared for those who who love him” (1 Corinthians 2:9)

          We come here to pray not because our heavenly home is place with discernible destination

But a person with a discernible discipline and love for us…

[__07__]           We come here because of the person – Jesus Christ --

In a few minutes, we will pray: ”Through him, with him and in him, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, all glory and honor is yours, forever and ever.. Amen!”

Yet…there’s just a little bit more.. to say…

[__08__]           We come here to church to encounter Jesus Christ, personal savior to each of us, and to remember not only our individual connections to him but he has also made possible that the divine and the human are inseparably one, united.

This unity and achievement of the divine and human is even greater than Russia and U.S.A. being inseparably one on the orbiting island the I.S.S. space station while others in Moscow and D.C. fight it out on earth.

In this sense, our daily prayer, our reason for waking up the in the morning is to receive God’s Word, and to follow the Gospel, to pray for enemies, to pray for those who persecute us, return a blessing when we are insulted or rejected, to seek forgiveness of our sins, to try and forgive the faults of others.

Thus, united to Jesus and his Cross, we can not only see the sky more clearly but also what is happening around us more clearly.

…that’s “going up to heaven each day…”

That’s not just better vision or video or connectivity.

That’s heaven !

Sunday, May 9, 2021

W.F.H. (2021-05-09, 6th Sunday Easter / Mother's Day)

 Sunday 6th week of Easter / 2021 May 9

__ Acts 10:25-26, 34-35,44-48    __ Psalm 98   /  __ 1 John 4:7-10 ___+ John 15:9-17  


Title: Work From Home


 [start   / finish  ]


[__01__]   There is a somewhat famous proverb or wise saying that “a mother’s work is never done” …. Or “a mother’s work is never finished”

          Many of you have lived this in your calling as a mother or godmother or grandmother or a mother figure in your life.  A mother’s work…


[__02__]    Mothers also practice and do these efforts in a particular way that is focused on giving those in their care a stable and secure environment in which to live.  Of course, countless women carry out work and careers professionally, in office buildings, and in many professions and many hours.

          Yet, mothers can teach some of something about a way of working and doing that many of us have been doing – sometimes painfully and inconveniently for the past 16 months and counting.

          Mothers “work from home”.

In March of 2020, many employers started to advise their employees – who would normally have commuted to an office – to set up their workstation and computer in their residence, to connect to the wi-fi the printer and more at home, that due to the pandemic and dangers of travel, they were told to work from home.

          This is not a homily about how to work from home, but rather using the theme of “work from home” as it relates to Jesus’ commandments of love and charity.


no means am I suggesting that a

that something that many of us have also been catching on to


[__03__]  I’ve noticed in reading certain news articles and memos that the letters “W”- “F” – “H” are showing up with some frequency and often without any explanation.  Was I supposed to know that WFH = “working from home”?

          Yes, you too.  Just so, we are on the same page. WFH = Work from home.


[__04__]   Last year, around this time when it was the feast of the Ascension which we observe next Sunday – [ BE SURE TO ANNOUNCE AT END OF MASS THAT THERE IS 1 &  ONLY 1 MASS ON THURS MAY 13 at 8:30 am  and “Ascension is on Sunday” ]— there was a picture of Jesus floating in the air above his disciples on his way to heaven with the caption:

          “Ascension Day, the day Jesus started to work from home.”

          So, W-F-H is everywhere on earth and beyond. It’s a hashtag in heaven too.


[__05__]     I’d like to connect with and reflect on “work from home” ast it relates to à

·        Messiah and Jesus’ mission

·        Mothers and their work

·        Me and you and our calling


In order to get the “M’s” to line up, I had to put “me” before you, something I was not to do. I’m trying to learn to work from home properly.


[__06__]   1st. the Messiah – Jesus – and his mission.

          Jesus worked strenuously in his mission among, as the word made flesh who pitched his tent among us to make a home – first among his closest disciples at the Last Supper and then for all of us with the gift of his Body and Blood.

          Jesus, our Savior and Messiah, gives up his life to give us a home. In the Father’s house, there are many mansions.  In His love for us, he is working from home and in our home.

          Love is about having a home.

          Jesus ∑ summarizes it this way:

I no longer call you slaves because a slave does not know what his master is doing. I have called you friends because I have told you everything I have heard from my Father. It was not you chose me, but I who chose you…  (John 15:___)

          Jesus washes the feet of his disciples at the Last Supper, washing even Peter who does not want his feet washed because he feels unworthy, Jesus does this to remind them by this menial, ground-floor-level, manual-labor task that they are loved and cared for by him that he will give up his life for them, for you for me.

          Jesus is, then, not at a distance, but with you, in your life.  Jesus works for you, in your home. Jesus works from home.

          That’s the first M, “Messiah”


[__07__]  Now, the 2nd M. “Mothers”

          Mothers work from home. Mothers work from home even when we are not aware of their quote unquote “work”

          At my mother’s birthday a few years ago which was one of those major milestone birthdays with speeches and toasts, my brother told this story from our childhood, observing and remembering that when my mother was raking leaves in October or November in front of the house and were also either not helping at all not only helping a little, my mother would rake the leaves into piles not only so that they could be taken away, but raked the leaves into piles so that we could jump around in them.

          It was a touching reminder / example of what mothers do… they take what is work them and make it a delight and convenience for their children and others.

          That’s working from home.

          Thanks, Mom !

          I would like to adjust to this…that is, when things are not not going well …whether it is something serious not so serious, I would like to remember – but often do not – that it’s good to take what is laborious or burdensome for me …or even what might make me “look bad” …and turn this into a source of humor or lightheartedness for others.   

          That is, I am often too focused on raking up the leaves and hauling them away, rather than enjoying them…. Or working from the standpoint of home.

          I might prefer that the leaves would fall into piles all their own. That’s not how life is.

          Work from home.


[__08__]    What about me and you?

          The third M.  “Me and you”

          While the pandemic of COVID19 has shaken the foundations of our residences and caused earthquakes of frustration, at times, has it not – at least once in a while – taught us the value of love within our 4 walls and under own roof and among our neighbors and friends, even if we speak to them remotely.

          It is reminder that me and you have a finite time together. Life is finite not only because one day we will die but also because one day our children will be older and more independent, or someone we love may move away or have an illness..or someone we love may die.

          Love them now. Work from home.

          This month of May, we celebrate our devotion to our Blessed Mother through whom Jesus has first home on earth, even before he was born and we can honor him by our respect and love for all children, or all persons at every stage of life and by our thanksgiving to God for our own lives, and by trying to live the commandment to honor both our fathers and mothers.   

          Our Lady of Lourdes, pray for us.          Work from home….  [__fin__]