Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Who is For/Against ? (Immaculate Conception, 2021-12-08)


__Click / Watch Video: "Dec. 8 Mass" (8:30 am)___

Dec.  8, 2021  /  Immaculate Conception

 Title:   Who is For/Against ?  On Genesis 3:9-15, 20

Reference: Pope Benedict XVI / Josef Ratzinger, “Farewell to the Devil”

[__00-a_]  Recently, I had the experience of accompanying my mother to a doctor or medical appointment. It was my father and I. Sometimes it's one of my other brothers and my father, but usually one of my siblings or I and my father go to these doctor medical appointments, at which my mother is sometimes questioned.

[__00-b_]  And in this appointment, she was questioned a lot about the medicine she's taking for her Parkinson's symptoms. The doctor and the nurse were, of course trying to be helpful, but due to the complexity of the situation, and my mother's uncertainty, the appointment ended up taking almost three hours. My mother, due to her age and infirmity was not a great and reliable on the “witness stand” to all these questions.

[__00-c_]  And yet she did pretty well under the circumstances under the incessant questionings. As a joke, later, I told my siblings – especially because the appointment was in New York City -- that the whole “episode”reminded me of a TV / Law & Order police interrogation, in which in this case, the suspect or perp, (patient / Mom) would admit to just about anything to have the interrogation over and get a sandwich.

Under the pressure of all the doctor's questions, my mother was not really prepared. For all of this, my father and I were there to help. Fortunately, my mother knew that we were on her side.

The doctor and the nurse who seemed to be the adversary, were also on her side. But sometimes we need help to see who was really for us, and who is against us.

And sometimes we judge in superficial ways, who is really for us and who is against us who's good, who's evil.

Sometimes, we judge what's good simply based on what's comfortable or convenient at that particular moment. For example, just because the doctor asks difficult questions, or puts us through a difficult course of therapy, that doesn't mean the doctor is against us, This could ultimately be for our own good.

Just because we have some difficult homework to do, or soul searching to do, this could also be for our own good for our benefit.

In the 3rd chapter of Genesis, Adam and Eve might wonder who was really for them, who is against them.

Adam and Eve were being interrogated, questioned by the devil by Satan. Now, shouldn't this have been obvious to them?

That the devil was against them that the devil Satan didn't have their best interests at heart that he was tempting them with this forbidden fruit. Shouldn’t that have been so obvious? It's obvious to us.

And it's even this is even made even more blatantly obvious in the very beginning of the New Testament. What does Jesus do in the very beginning of the New Testament, Jesus knows that Satan is out to get him. And Jesus fully aware of this, Jesus goes out into the desert and he knows he's going to be tempted in the desert by Satan for 40 days.  And, Jesus does not eat what Satan tempts him with.

Jesus goes out there anyway, but he knows what he's getting himself into.

Adam and Eve could have known – but did not what they were getting themselves into.

In the Book of Genesis and other books of the Old Testament, as Pope Benedict XVI points out, Satan the Devil is often concealed or hidden.

In the Garden of Eden, the Satan appears as the serpent who bites with the temptation of pride and power to Adam and Eve. Satan doesn't tell them explicitly to disobey God. He doesn't say I want you to disobey these rules.

Satan doesn't tell them to disobey but he sells them on what they're going to get by eating the forbidden fruit. In this these instance, Satan is concealed.

In another instance – in the Book of Exodus - Satan is concealed, for example, in the creation of the golden calf idol. This happens at the base camp of Mount Sinai when Moses goes up Mount Sinai and the Jewish people are nervous, because Moses is far from them. They feel alone they feel anxious, and the Jewish people melt down all their gold and jewelry. And they create this golden calf and they start worshipping the golden calf.

Now the Jewish people are not I'm told to disobey God, but they are being sold, that the idol in front of them is better than the God they cannot see. Satan is hidden in the idol.

What is the idol in which Satan hides Himself to you or to me is that idle convenience is that idol --  wealth is that idol, popularity, wealth, popularity, security, these are not bad things, but sometimes we turn them into idols and we worship them instead of God or we expect them to deliver goodness to us if we sacrifice for them.  They will not.


B16 point is that our unity with Jesus Christ via baptism leads us to be one with Him in battle, and in freedom, and the more visible and power and when we really are aware of holiness, then, when we're really aware of holiness and goodness, then the devil cannot conceal himself to us.

In this respect, if we were to go through life, saying that there's no demon, or that there's no evil, or that there's no evil spirit. Unfortunately, this leads us to the idea that there's really no holiness either. We're truly in danger if we don't acknowledge evil in the world.

Consider the person who goes to the doctor, I'll use the person who goes to the doctor as an example, somebody who goes to the doctor for somebody who refuses to go to the doctor better based on the fact that he or she doesn't want to be questioned or examined or poked or prodded. Nobody wants to be poked or prodded. In that way.

One thing my grandfather said, he said, I don't want to go to the doctor, they might find something. Now, that worked out OK for my grandfather, for a while he lived to be 101, by this philosophy, but even he didn't live forever.

There is still 100% mortality rate on planet Earth, we're all going to die. Yet we all have the potential to live and to live for eternal life right now. The “copay” is in our baptism and discipleship.

Because Christ died for us and gives us a path to holiness, and a standard for holiness. Through His incarnation and by the life of the Blessed Virgin Mary and her revelation as the new Ark of the Covenant, in this regard, we need not fear being questioned. Jesus is our personal Savior, he's real. Who then is Satan, who is this evil spirit we read about in the book of Genesis?

B16 offers this definition. But the specific character of the demonic becomes clear. By anonymity that this Satan is by definition kind of anonymous, is someone asked whether the devil is a person we'd really have to say, well, the devil is the opposite of a person. Because what the devil is the devil's power is not in his prominence, but in his hiddenness, and that we have trouble recognizing him.

And if you think about the evil that can sometimes get between a husband and wife in a marriage, or between a parent and the child, in a relationship in the family, or between any two family members, or any two friends, that evil is sometimes anonymous, it doesn't announce itself so clearly, or it's hidden in an idol. But when we live each day, in holiness, in honesty, and integrity, by love of God, love of neighbor, we have no need to fear the evil. The evil is going to be clear to us. We don't even have to fear the questions of evil, because we have Jesus as our as our Savior, the Holy Spirit as our advocate and the church as our home.   [__fin_]      

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