Sunday, January 3, 2021

Epiphany (2021-01-03, Sunday)

3 January 2021,  EPIPHANY / THREE KINGS

●● Isaiah 60:1-6  ●● Psalm 72 ●●  Ephesians 3:2-3a, 5-6  ●● + Matthew 2:1-12 ●● 

 [_01_]     On this feast of the Epiphany of the 3 Kings, we read about the Magi – or the 3 Kings – coming from the East. And, they are following a star.

 They have left their own country and comfort zone to follow and see the child, Jesus, in Bethlehem.

 [_02__]     Last month, there was big ASTRONOMY or SCIENCE news about following – seeking – something – in the sky, in the heavens. Astronomically. Scientifically.

          We read this on the NASA website what is called the “great conjunction (joining) of the planets and Jupiter and Saturn”…and Jupiter and Saturn are the 2 largest planets in our solar system

The planets regularly appear to pass each other in the solar system, with the positions of Jupiter and Saturn being aligned in the sky about once every 20 years.

What makes this year’s spectacle so rare, then? It’s been nearly 400 years since the planets passed this close to each other in the sky, and nearly 800 years since the alignment of Saturn and Jupiter occurred at night, as it will for 2020, allowing nearly everyone around the world to witness this “great conjunction. Or great joining….”

 [_03_]      The GREAT CONJUNCTION of Jupiter and Saturn invited many individuals – scientists and non-scientists- to see things in the darkness that we cannot see in the bright light.

          In other words, when the Jupiter and Saturn come close together to each other – at night in the darkness, it creates a different effect than in the daytime. Such light is not otherwise visible.

          Why did the Magi come to Bethlehem?

[_03.01_]           They come to get a view of the light – the light of God that is not otherwise visible.

          God appears in the light and appears as a small child to us.

          Isn’t it true that children bring us joy and information and revelation about ourselves and about God’s love for us?

          Children demonstrate to us the existence of UNCONDITIONAL LOVE.  Of unconditionally loving another person.

          Children appreciate this unconditional love.

          Also, children give unconditional love in a way that we, sometimes, forget how to do.

          This is the star, the star of God’s love coming to us.

 [_03.02_]     Children demonstrate to us the importance of forgiveness.

          Children also demonstrate a divine quality that we – as adults – find difficulty. That is – forgiving and forgetting. Or, forgiving and letting go.

          A child cannot only be forgiving but also can, in their way, forget what happened.

          In this regard, children resemble God because God is able to forgives our sins and forgets our sins as well.

 [_04_]      So, children in their slightly small stature – and situation – represent the greatness, the power, the vastness of God’s love to us.

          They represent to us God in slow motion, we could say.

          And, the GREAT CONJUCTION or joining of Jupter and Saturn reminded everyone to be prepared for the event.

          A few years ago, there was a solar eclipse and you may recall that at the last minute everyone was running around trying to buy the special glasses at the last minute.

          Some people paid a high price!

It helps then if you were prepared, ahead of time …with the vision. The Magi – the 3 Kings, 3 Wise Men were prepared ahead of time with this special vision.

This special vision is not on their heads but in their hearts, a desire within to discover God – in the person of a child.

And, we are called to see and discover in Jesus as the newborn Messiah – and as it is manifested to us in the children in our lives.  [_fin_]

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