Thursday, November 28, 2019

Or ... Christmas ? (2019-11-28, U.S. Thanksgiving Day)

2019 November 28 /   Thursday, Thanksgiving Day
Title:   … Or … Christmas?

[__01__]   Today, it is practically obligatory to say something in our conversations with each other at table, in the living room about Christmas [C.1225]. Yet, it is still Thanksgiving [T.1128] today.
          And, perhaps, even we are doing a little comparison or run-down of what takes place on [T.1128] vs. [C.1225], which relatives and friends we see or do not see.
          At least, this is the case in the U.S.A. where these 2 holidays fall within a month or so of each other, and thus we compare them. Several years ago, a friend told me how much he preferred Thanksgiving to Christmas.
          I’m not saying you should compare the two. They are not the same as, of course, Christmas is a Christian and worldwide commemoration of Incarnation of God in Jesus Christ and Thanksgiving is a harvest feast in these 50 states and in Canada…but in Canada, [THX] was on October 14, so maybe it’s not so connected to [C.1225] for our northern neighbors.
          I’m not saying you should compare [T.1128] & [C.1225], but given that we might, this is my starting point…
          And I suggest that [T.1128] may compare favorably to [C.1225] because we view [T.1128]  as ..
·        Less costly
·        Less compulsory
·        Less complicated.
However, I would suggest that for you and me, as followers of Jesus Christ, we are called to an attitude of gratitude each day which is, in its way:
[__02__]  1st. “Costly”       Hey … I will grant you that [T.1128] compared to [C.1225] is a financial bargain, because you do not have to attend and bring a gift to a Thanksgiving party two weeks ahead of time. There are no – or fewer – gifts.
          But, does it not cost something to express thankfulness, gratitude, appreciation?
          C.S. Lewis wrote on the subject of LOVE that we can cry out to God from our poverty (i.e., from our need).  We can offer ourselves to God with our generosity. That is, we can make a GIFT. And, don’t we give gifts to others not simply because we “need” something back, but just to for the sake of giving.
          But, there is a third “LOVE” that goes beyond simply me needing something for myself or giving myself away. There is “appreciation” or in God’s case: worship and adoration.
          And, this is COSTLY.
          On Thanksgiving Day, we are called not simply to appreciate the person who bought or made the meal, but to appreciate all of God’s creation, in all its wonder and the many workers, field workers, farmers, truck drivers, civil engineers who built the roads … it is costly to appreciate all of this, but also necessary, for we cannot take for granted the created world which God gives us.
We are called to acknowledge it in gratitude. That costs something.
[_03_]    2nd. “COMPULSORY”
          The word “compulsory” means “required”. It seems that more “stuff” is required or not optional on [C.1225] … is a holy day of obligation, Catholics go to church, décor, gifts, tree, lights.
          It’s wonderful – beautiful devotion – that you are here for church today – but it’s not compulsory and this national American observance is not connected to God, to Jesus, explicitly.
          And, so, [T.1128] is more easily disconnected from God as Father, Son, Holy Spirit.
          But, I suggest our attitude of gratitude is not just one that helps us to get along with our neighbors and friends and family, but also helps us to be right with God.
          Today is a day to give thanks and praise to God for our mothers, fathers, spouses, children, grandparents, aunts and uncles, cousins, friends, that we acknowledge them as gifts of God.
          You – the parishioners and parish family of Our Lady of Lourdes – are gifts of God to me.
          And, you – who are so kind – have acknowledged to me and to Father Bob Suszko and Father Jim Chern, Monsignor Robert Coleman, Father Paul Donohue and all the priests who say Mass in church here …you have acknowledged your gratitude for our service, our priesthood.
          This reminds me that my priesthood is a gift to you and for you, not something that I created or established. I share in the one one priesthood of Jesus Christ.
          And, as such, I am called top guard and protect this gift not only for myself but primarily for you. That is compulsory and for your benefit and for your children, for everyone.
[__04__]      3rd. COMPLICATED.
          Of course, we naturally think of Christmas as way more complicated than Thanksgiving with the décor, gifts, parties, music.
          But is it really so simple, so facile, to express our thankfulness?
          Is the attitude of gratitude really so easy?
          For example, it’s nice to turn to someone and say… “you are great..” … “you are awesome”… I like hearing that too. It’s not complicated.
          But, then, again, being complicated is not always a bad thing, to tell someone exactly what he or she did to help you, to change you, to challenge you.
          Sometimes it is complex to express our thanks to a child in a way that the child can really understand what is important and to know that his or her contribution at a young age really makes a difference and why.
          And, it is also complicated and necessary for us to express our thanks to God, our thanks not only for what we have, but also for what we do not have.
          To express our thanks even for the cross, for the difficulties, for the sorrows that have changed us and enabled us to grow.       
          To express our thanks for those who have had the courage to stand up to us, to correct us, to tell us what we really needed to hear.
          Thanksgiving: it’s not just one day. It is complicated. It is compulsory. It is costly.  “Stand up and go,  your faith has saved  you.”    [__fin__]

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