Sunday, December 25, 2016

Navidad 2016, "DESCUBIERTO"

Our Lady of Lourdes, West Orange 

[___01__]   Quisiera hablar de NAVIDAD como un DESCUBRIMIENTO.

¿Qué significa la palabra DESCUBRIR o DESCUBRIR?
[Respuestas de los niños]
•       Hallazgo
• Discovery Channel: ver lugares desconocidos o lejanos

¿Cuáles son algunas cosas que la gente trata de descubrir?

O - lo que serían algunas cosas - u objetos - que intentaríamos descubrir, o encontrar, si éstos se perdieran:

• llaves • teléfono • zapatos, • balón de fútbol • billetera • dinero • entradas • gafas • tarea • audífono
• medicamentos, medicamentos

Y, ¿qué estamos haciendo tú y yo - cómo nos comportamos - después de perder o perder un objeto, una de estas cosas?

¿Qué te dice tu mamá, papá, abuela, abuelo, maestro? Tal vez, usted no quiere hacerlo .. pero se le pide que:


[___02__]   Cuando buscamos, a veces tenemos éxito, a veces no tenemos éxito.

Y, creo que el éxito de nuestra búsqueda no depende de nuestra FORTALEZA, no de nuestra VELOCIDAD.

El éxito de nuestra búsqueda depende de nuestra MEMORIA.

Y, podríamos decir que José y María en la búsqueda - su viaje - a través de Belén, tienen éxito. Tienen éxito porque recuerdan su misión, que Dios los ha llamado a Belén para el nacimiento de su Hijo, Jesús y nuestro Salvador.

Cuando estamos buscando algo, a menudo tratamos de recordar no sólo dónde ponemos algo, sino por qué.

Cuando estamos buscando la sabiduría en nuestras vidas, en una decisión importante, estamos llamados a recordar no sólo a dónde vamos, sino por qué.

[___03__]  Por qué José y María están en Belén. José y María están en Belén porque esta es la ciudad del gran Rey David y Jospeh es de la ascendencia y línea de David. Joseph entra en ANCESTRY-dot-Com ... y ve al rey David.

Por esta razón, Jesús es también Rey. José y María tienen éxito en su búsqueda porque saben dónde (destino) y por qué (razón, Dios los llama para ser los padres de nuestro Salvador).

[___04__]  Cuando estamos buscando algo, a menudo tratamos de recordar no sólo dónde ponemos algo, sino por qué.

Independientemente de nuestra JUVENTUD o de nuestra EDAD, sin importar cuan viejos o jóvenes somos, a veces necesitamos la ayuda de otros para recordar y localizar ciertos objetos.

También necesitamos la ayuda de Dios y la gracia, la sabiduría y la guía, en el caso de que algunas otras personas no sean (no ayuden mucho??)  tan útiles.

[___05__]  En el Evangelio de la Navidad, parece -al parecer ya primera vista- que José y María se pierden, o simplemente vagan por Belén, sin éxito.

Leímos que cuando nos fuimos a "registrarnos", para hacer una reserva, que fueron rechazadas. No había habitación en el Inn  (en español ___________?)   . No tienen a dónde ir.

Sin embargo, confían en la dirección de Dios y saben que Belén es el destino correcto y que el nacimiento de su hijo es la razón correcta para su viaje. Ellos saben dónde y por qué.

[___06__]  Cuando tú y yo estamos perdidos o errantes, ¿qué hacemos? ¿Qué estamos tentados a hacer? ¿Cómo nos sentimos tentados a comportarnos?


Queremos movilidad. Sin embargo, con toda esta movilidad, también tenemos menos ancho de banda para escuchar a otros y reducir la conectividad en relaciones verdaderas e íntimas.

La oración, la meditación y la quietud son importantes para que sepamos por qué y dondé.

Tal vez quiera seguir moviéndome. Pero, sé por qué, ¿sé dónde?

[___07__] José y María saben que no están perdidos. Ellos saben y confían en que Dios está cuidando de ellos, incluso en la oscuridad.

Y, si bien muchos de nosotros estaríamos incluidos en el movimiento y el movimiento,
Reconocen la importancia de:

• SILENCIO, mientras cantamos la noche silenciosa, también nos reunimos alrededor de la madre virgen y el niño para la paz celestial.

• CONEXIONES, se mantienen unidos y permanecen juntos, aunque otros los han rechazado.

• NIEVE, se detienen no sólo para que Jesús pueda nacer, sino también para que Jesús pueda ser reconocido y visto por los pastores de Belén, por los 3 Reyes de Oriente y por usted y yo de West Orange.

[___08__]   Recientemente, mi madre describió (anunció) su nueva estrategia y filosofía con respecto a los objetos perdidos.

"He dejado de buscar. Es demasiado frustrante. Ya no miro más. Sólo espero a que aparezcan. "

Qué gran fe, confianza. Me alegro de que esto funcione para ti, mamá.

Y, parece que mi madre con éxito conecta con muchos de sus efectos personales y posesiones a través de esta estrategia, de esta manera.

"Perdí mis gafas de lectura el otro día. A la mañana siguiente, estaban justo allí, en la puerta principal, en el escalón de la entrada, encima del periódico.

En este caso, USA Today no entregó en realidad un par de gafas de lectura (encontrar sinónimos o especificaciones técnicas para describir esto ...) a un propietario legítimo, pero si Gannett Publishing / USA Today ofreciera esto, probablemente tendría Una suscripción. (No creo que el Times o el Ledger haga esto.)

En este caso, un vecino amable puso 2 y 2 juntos, hizo 4, y entregó el papel del martes y gafas de mi mama  a la puerta.

Esta es la Navidad, la Natividad de nuestro Señor. Jesucristo es también la Buena Noticia diariaramente  a nuestra puerta y en nuestra casa. Él es nuestra visión, la luz de nuestro mundo que nos ayuda a ver.

A través de nuestro amor a Dios, al prójimo ya las relaciones, también nos acercamos a él. Nos encontramos, llamados, descubiertos. Es su plan y cronología no la nuestra.

Venite adoremus 

Discovered. Christmas 2016

Christmas 2016

[___01__]    I would like to speak about CHRISTMAS as a DISCOVERY.

What does the word DISCOVER or DISCOVERY mean ?
[responses by children]
·        Finding
·        Discovery Channel  - seeing places which are unfamiliar or distant

What are some things that people try to discover?

Or – what would be some things – or objects – that we would try to discover, or find, if these were to be lost:

• keys  • phone • shoes, • soccer ball • wallet • money • tickets • glasses •homework • hearing aid
• medication, medicine

And, what are you and I doing – how do we behave – after we lose or misplace an object, one of these things?

What does your mom, dad, grandma, grandpa, teacher tell you to do? Perhaps, you do not want to do it .. but you are asked to:


[___02__] When we search, we are sometimes successful, sometimes we are not successful.

And, I think the success of our search depends not on our STRENGTH, not on our SPEED.

The  success of our search depends on our MEMORY.

And, we might say that Joseph and Mary in the search – their journey – through Bethlehem, are successful. They succeed because they remember their mission, that God has called them to Bethlehem for the birth of their Son, Jesus, and our Savior.

When we are searching for something, we are often trying to recall not only WHERE we put something, but WHY.

When we are searching for wisdom in our lives, in an important decision, we are called to remember not only WHERE we are going but WHY.

[___03__]  Why Joseph and Mary are in Bethlehem.  Joseph and Mary are in Bethlehem because this is the city of the great King David and Jospeh  is of the ancestry and line of David.   Joseph logs into ANCESTRY-dot-Com… and he sees King David.

For this reason, Jesus is also King. Joseph and Mary are successful in their search because they know WHERE (destination) and WHY (reason, God calls them to be the parents of our Savior).

[___04__]  When we are searching for something, we are often trying to recall not only WHERE we put something, but WHY.

Regardless of our YOUTH or our AGE, regardless how old or young we are, sometimes, we need the help of others to remember and locate certain objects.

We also need God’s help and grace and wisdom and guidance, in case certain other people are not so helpful.

[___05__]  In the Gospel of Christmas, it would seem – on the surface and at first glance – that Joseph and Mary are lost, or just wandering around Bethlehem, un-successful.

We read that when they went to “check in”, to make a reservation, that they were turned away.  There was no room at the inn. They have nowhere to go.

Nevertheless, they trust in God’s guidance and know that Bethlehem is the right destination and that the birth of their son is the right reason for their journey. They know WHERE and WHY.

[___06__]   When you and I are lost, or wandering, what do we do? What are we tempted to do? How are we tempted to behave?


We want mobility. However, with all of this mobility, we also have less bandwidth to listen to others, and reduced connectivity in true and intimate relationships.

Prayer and meditation and quiet are important so that we know the WHY and the WHERE.

I may want to keep moving. But, do I know WHY, do I know WHERE.

[___07__]  Joseph and Mary know that they are not lost. They know and trust that God is watching over them, even in darkness.

And, while many of us would be included to movement and motion,
They recognize the importance of:

• SILENCE, as we sing SILENT NIGHT, we also gather round yon virgin mother and child for heavenly peace.

• CONNECTIONS, they stick together and stay together, though others have turned them away.

• STILLNESS, they stop not only so that Jesus can be born but also so that Jesus can be recognized and seen by the shepherds of Bethlehem, by the 3 Kings of the East, and by you and me of West Orange.

[___08__] Recently, my mother described (announced) her new strategy and philosophy regarding lost objects.

“I’ve stopped searching. It’s too frustrating. I don’t look around anymore. I just wait for them to appear.”[1]

What great faith, confidence. I’m glad this works for you, Mom.

And, it seems that my mother successfully reconnects with many of her personal effects and possessions through this strategy, in this manner.

“I lost my reading glasses the other day. The next morning, they were right there at the front door, on the front step, on top of the newspaper.”

In this case, USA Today did not actually deliver a pair reading glasses (find synonym or technical specs to describe this …) to a rightful owner, but if Gannett Publishing / USA Today were to offer this, I (you?) would probably have a subscription.
(I don’t think the Times or the Ledger does this. )

In this case, a kind neighbor put 2 and 2 together, made 4, and delivered the Tuesday’s paper and glasses to the door. 

This is Christmas, the Nativity of our Lord.   Jesus Christ is also the Good News at our door and in our home.  He is our vision, the light of our world who helps us to see.

Through our love of God and neighbor and relationships, we also draw closer to him. We are found, called, discovered. It is his plan and timeline not ours.

Come, let us adore him.


[1] “LOST” also are items to do…we think of things and then they escape us…we recall prayer, through rest… even sometimes on holiday or retreat. “Psalm 127:2  ___  It is in vain that you rise up early and go late to rest, eating the bread of anxious toil; for he gives to his beloved sleep.”  ß God will present to us what we need at the proper time. 

Friday, December 16, 2016

Simbang Gabi Mass. Advent. (2016-12-16)

16  December  2016 - FRIDAY
Friday 3rd Week of Advent, 1st night of Simbang Gabi Novena

[__01]     One morning at the start of a summer vacation trip, I woke up very early – for me anyway – to go to Newark Airport for a flight to North Carolina to visit family.

The plane was scheduled to take off at 6:00 am. Thus, I had to be the airport by 5:00 am, awake and ready to leave before 4:00 am …

Perhaps, you have had such an early morning experience and departure, as I had.

First, when you or I – individually or with a family or group – wake up very early for the preparation and departure, we may think that we are the only ones in the world who are awake. The rest of the house, neighbors, neighborhood is asleep.

Then, we arrive among the trains, planes, and automobiles. Or, we arrive at Newark Airport, we see thousands of people who also have arisen, awaken, very early.

[__02]       In the Gospel, we observe that Jesus is born in the middle of the night to his family, to Mary and Joseph alone. A small party of 3.
          In this Novena of Simbang Gabi, Misa de Gallo, we imitate Mary and Joseph in their anticipation. Coming together at night, or in the style of gathering at morning in the Misa de Gallo, we recognize Jesus as the light which the darkness cannot overcome, the light which darkness, brokenness and injustice shall not overcome. He too shall overcome sin and death and helps us to do the same.  (say more? Give example?)
          We sing, for example, SILENT NIGHT, to proclaim NOT that all is perfectly organized and in place in our own lives ..
          .. but that all is bright because we together in small crowds and large crowds gather round yon virgin mother and child. In God’s presence, and before the Tabernacle, whenever we come for Eucharistic adoration or when we come to meditate on God’s presence in the Tabernacle, all is calm all is bright.
          It is my experience, my suggestion , for example, that a good way for us to pray in silence is NOT to regard SOLITUDE as an escape but as a form of communion and community.
          In silence before Him, God does not rescue us from other people and relationships but helps us to face them, to arise and to be awake to them.

[__03]      When I was in high school, I was commuting back and forth from home to the school which was about five miles away. My classmates, friends and others in hometown were organized into carpools.
          And, our parents would share the driving responsibilities. I was in a carpool of three or four other boys. And, every morning, we would be picked up – or we would go to pick up the others in the carpool.
          The trouble or delay in this scenario depended on the readiness of the person to be picked up, to be transported.   The “good ones” were waiting outside before the car arrived, even if it were cold.
          Others waited inside. And, some would cause us to delay until they walked out to the car. I was kind of embarrassed to realize at some point during my high school years that I kept everyone waiting.
          That is, I was awake “officially” and semi-conscious (physically) but I was still drowsy. And, sometimes, I would fall asleep waiting for the car to arrive. But nobody said anything, at least not right away.  Maybe, they were tired too.
          Then, one day, I commented on how long it took one of my classmates to exit his house and get to the car. I was told, in words to the effect… “it takes one to know one, Ferry.”

[__04]      The experience of waking up to Christ, to his mercy, to his love is a personal, individual choice.
          Yet, this choice also brings us into closer contact and communion with others, with God’s plan.

[__05]       Our prayers, our meditations before God are good and beneficial because they help us to recognize God is the one who first loved us, first called us.
          Thus we return love to God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit knowing we are loved by Him.
          We call upon and ask for help in prayer because we know that he first called us.  We also know that he knows what we are going to say and ask for. Nevertheless, we ask.   Lots of people – those most intimate to us – often know what we are going to say before we say it. Neverthless, it is beneficial and strengthening to ask and to be asked.

          Knowing that God loves us and knowing that God calls us, we also know that he has given us responsibilities, even work to do, but at Christmas, he also simply asks us to rest in his presence. He gives us grace and rest, light in the darkness.     [__fin__

Sunday, December 11, 2016

The One To Come. Advent (2016-12-11)

11  December  2016
3rd Sunday of Advent  ● Isaiah 35:1-6a, 10 ● Psalm 146 ● James 5:7-10 ● Matthew 11:2-11 ●
Start:  [16:10]   Finish [20:51]  

[__01]     I recall observing, as a very young person, how elevators were requested or called.  One would press the button.

Yet, without any knowledge of how elevators – or lifts – in office building work  … or how these elevators (lifts) work in any building of many floors, I remember my impatience, my confusion.

However, when the elevator arrived, we did not necessarily enter or board that elevator. Then, we wait for another elevator. 

In the words of the Gospel today, “is the one to come, or should we look for another?”
          This is the question of John the Baptist, “are you the one to come or should we look for another?”  (Matthew  ___)
          John the Baptist is asking this question about the identity of Jesus as the Messiah. Is Jesus the one to come ?
[__02]   John the Baptist is also waiting.  He is waiting in prison, now immobile, immobilized.
          Of course, John the Baptist has also accepted this punishment willingly, this prison sentence. He has been arrested and sent to prison not for a crime but for his denunciation and criticism of the governor and king, Herod of Judea.
          At this time of imprisonment, John sends his own disciples as messengers to Jesus to ask:  “are you the Messiah? Are you the one who is to come or should I look for another?”
          John the Baptist is saying, “I hope you are the one, that I have the right person, because I am in big trouble now.  I hope I was right about this.  I have defended you, I have leveled the mountains, filled in the valleys, built a highway, and now I have been sentenced to death. ”
          Thus, John asks, “Jesus, are you the one to come or should we look for another?”
[__03]     Jesus’s approach surprised John the Baptist and differed from John the Baptist. Jesus acted differently than John had expected.
          After all, if Jesus were really a powerful Messiah, why would one of his main supporters – his only living prophet – be in prison?
          This reality of persecution and struggle will also trouble other disciples.
          Does not Peter try to stop the arrest of Jesus?
          Do not James and John fail to understand that their greatness will come about after they learn to be least and last?

[__04] John spoke about action, the infrastructure of the Kingdom of God, the leveling of the mountains, filling in the valleys, building a highway.
          Jesus seems to move at a slower pace.
          Thus, John asks, “are you the one to come or should I look for another?”
          Should I get on a different elevator? Should I take a different path?

[__05]     Jesus is sometimes not the Messiah, does not have the message which we expect.
          What do we value in life?
          What do we expect our Savior to deliver or deliver us from ?

 [__06]     For example … PEACE, TRANQUILITY. How do we gain peace and tranquility. Sometimes, it is not gained by our silence.  If we want peace and tranquility with our family, our spouse, children, parents, we do not gain peace and tranquility only by withdrawal.
          As we read in Ecclesiastes, there is a time to speak.
          And, John the Baptist himself experienced this. He spoke up. He spoke his “peace”. This speech got him in trouble, but it was an act of peace and justice.
          … OR …
          We may want or desire FORGIVENESS.
          We may wish to forgive another person. How do we forgive? Is it by taking pity on the other person and recognizing the other person’s errors and weaknesses, compared to our own?  In fact, the better path to forgiveness is to recognize our own sinfulness. 
          You and I are called to forgive not from a position of power but of humility, knowing we also have been forgiven.
          Yes, he is the one to come.


Thursday, December 8, 2016

Original Value. Immaculate Conception (2016-12-08)

 8 December 2016     [ immaculate conception  ]

Genesis 3:9-15 • Psalm  •  Ephesians 1:3-6, 11-12 • Luke 1:26-38  

[__01__]     Today, December 8th, is the feast of the Immaculate Conception.

[__02__]    What is the value of an original? Have we not read, for example, that the original paintings are worth for more than the copy?  There is only 1 original; there may be many copies.
          And, the original – or the first - has value not only because of the beauty of the visible image but also because of its connection to the painter or sculptor or artist.  For this reason, we observe that not only is the original Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci very valuable, but so also are very valuable the sketches da Vinci made to paint his portrait.

          The original painting, the original sketch, the original design also connects us to the creator, the author, the painter.
[__03__]    In the Book of Genesis, we read today about the Fall of Adam and Eve. We read about their ORIGIN, their ORIGINAL SIN.
          However, we are also reminded of their ORIGINAL GRACE, their ORIGINAL connection to God and to each other.
          Yes, it is true their sin disrupted this connection, but it is important to note that GRACE and MERCY existed both before and after their ORIGINAL SIN.
          Knowing their ORIGIN, their ORIGINAL STATE, we also see how they were loved by God.

          Moreover, God’s love for them was not ORIGINALLY in a garden, or in fruit, or in paradise.
          God’s love for them was ORIGINALLY in them because he made them in his IMAGE.
          In other words, ORIGINALLY God made Adam and Eve – and you and me to be free – as he is free.  He made us ORIGINALLY to love, as he loves.  He made us ORIGINALLY to care for all creation as he cares for it.
          This is our ORIGIN

[__04__]     Does the ORIGINAL SIN disrupt the development of Adam and Eve and our human family ? 
          Yes, however, we are still made in God’s image.
          In this regard, your true value – my true value – as a human person is not what we can be bought or sold for on the open market, but rather our value is our connection to God as our creator.
          In a similar way, the Mona Lisa takes its value based on the painter who made it not only on what people will pay in exchange for it.

[__05__]     A few months before I was to leave for college, my father spoke with me about my September departure and September move. He told me – to encourage me – “you know, if you don’t like it there – I was moving to a campus about three hours from home --- you can always come home.”
          It was a kind encouragement and reminder about my ORIGIN, about my ORIGINAL STATE and place in the home and family.
          Recently, I told one of my classmates about this conversation and wondered what he thought of this father-son exchange.  While it was nice to receive this statement of unconditional love, it seemed a little out of character for my father how was usually pushing my brothers, sister and me forward rather than planning escape routes or offering his home as a disaster recovery site.
          My friend’s opinion, “your mother probably told him to say that.”
In other words, I see that now, in retrospect. At the time, I was not really sure how to

[__06__]      Mothers. Moms.
Mothers know our origins. Of course, fathers know our origins too. But, mothers know this even more directly through their role in nurturing us, giving us birth.
          This feast day of the Immaculate Conception is about motherhood, maternity, about the Immaculate Conception  of the Blessed Virgin Mary and Blessed Mother.

Mary is conceived without original sin, so that Jesus himself also could be conceived without original sin.

[__07__]    I am willing to suggest – or risk this theological opinion – that many mothers – all mothers – whether they are Catholic or not, whether they are churchgoers or not, that all of them understand something about both ORIGINAL GRACE   … and …  ORIGINAL SIN.

That is, they understand that their children – from a very early age are able to things – freely and without reservation – to please them. Their children are able to obey even before they can say YES or do their homework without being reminded. This is a sign of God’s original grace.
          On the other hand, they also understand that their children are able to disobey, to choose the wrong thing… and to do so even before they have been exposed to the bad influence of the kid next door or in school. This is ORIGINAL SIN.

[__08__]   All of us have an ORIGINAL VALUE. And, in a special way, the Blessed Mother – conceived without original sin and Jesus – also conceived without original sin display this value to us.
          That is, though they were conceived without original sin and in these original states of grace, they were also tempted to sin, but did not sin.

Yes, each day they knew that they had found favor with God. In this regard, they were not afraid.

          Nevertheless, despite this outstanding virtue and grace – despite their PRICELESS SPIRITUAL MARKET VALUE – they were rejected, hated by some of their closest friends. And, there was no room at the inn.
At such times, did they not both Our Savior and Blessed Mother have to recall that their value was not based on the second or third class treatment they may have received from others but on a different favor.
          They had found favor with God.  They had no reason to be afraid.
          In the conversation with my father, by analogy, I was also being told that I had “favor” within the family even if I had to work to achieve this “favor” outside the house.
          We also have favor with God, it is his mercy, his mercy which invites us into one of the many mansions in his house.

          Yes, at times, we suffer due to sinfulness. We suffer not only due to our own sins but also due to the sins of others against us.
          We need God’s help and favor so as not to be afraid, and to recognize that we have an original value in his eyes. An original value, priceless, for which Jesus himself is willing to die and pay a ransom.
          Be not afraid.   [__fin__]