Sunday, January 2, 2022

Lights On/Off. Epiphany's Gifts. (2022-01-02)

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Homily – Jan. 2, 2022 /  Epiphany Sunday  (C)

●    ●  + Matthew 2:1-12   ●       

Title:   Lights On/Off. Epiphany’s 3 Gifts.

[__01_]    Last week my parents were enjoying a visit by their grandchildren; together with my sister and brother-in-law. Their children are little. One evening a minor battle or fight broke out between two of the grandchildren about the ideal degree of light or darkness that should be in the room at bedtime in order to fall asleep.

Perhaps you have had such discussions in your own home, or such talks about whether or not a light should be left on or struggled to find the safest way of sleeping in a dark room, while also having illumination. when needed. At night. The two granddaughters were at odds, she wants the door wide open and I can't sleep with the door open and the light shines in my eyes. And the other one said I need the light on to fall asleep.

Perhaps one of them had read this medical study that exposure to light at bedtime makes it difficult for your brain to achieve deeper sleep. So apparently, we do need darkness in order to rest in order to fall asleep. So the score in this battle is lights on zero, lights out one.


[__02_]      This is the feast of the Epiphany / 3 Kings / Magi Magi from the east. King Herod, current political ruler of Judea, felt threatened by this star rising in the east. Herod is  someone who prefers to for the lights out to be asleep. Sleeping in the dark has its benefits. For the true REM sleep (rapid eye movement) King Herod wants the lights out.

And in a later section of this gospel, we read the extent to which Herod will go in order to put out the lights in order to continue walking in darkness. Herod was in fear for his own power, his position, his placement, precisely because someone else had turned on a light.

The light turned on is Jesus, our Savior born of Mary with Joseph as their foster father.

So maybe we should say the score is now tied -- LIGHTS ON 1, LIGHTS OUT 1.

The Magi knew a light was on – this is the star in the sky. The Magi arrived in Herod’s “room / palace / space” and said, “ ‘ Where is the newborn king of the Jews, we saw his star at its rising and have come to do him homage’. When Herod heard this, he was greatly troubled, and all Jerusalem with him.”  (Matthew 2:1-2)

Herod no longer sleeps peacefully, Herod lacks faith and is interested only in himself.

[__03_]       The feast of the Epiphany three kings reminds us that yes – that something happens LOCALLY in a particular geographical place.  

Jesus is the Messiah born in a Jewish family and with Jewish roots for Christians, first, in the Middle East.

This is also an INTERNATIONAL GLOBAL EVENT -  This is Jesus’ manifestation to the whole world to all nations. And to every aspect of our lives.

His light shines in the darkness. Pope Benedict XVI, in a reflection about the meaning of Vatican II saw that the Magi were not simply regional representatives from different parts of the world. But we could also regard them as kind of representatives of different subject matter, or different types of leaders.

For what did the Magi bring, they bring gold, they bring frankincense and they bring myrrh

Traditionally, the gold represents wealth given back to God, the incense represents our worship, and the myrrh represents that we ultimately die and that our bodies are going to be embalmed or anointed.

Each gift signifies different types of people or maybe even three different aspects of our lives.

And with these three GIFTS in mind – reflecting on B16’s 2007 Epiphany Homily – each GIFT also represents new “international or global Magi” who are also called by the star. (Benedict XVI, Epiphany Homily,, 2007 January 6)

There also three types of people who are very influential in the world today who are meant to be consecrated to God.  They are the Magi of today. We are also called to imitate the Magi.


[__04_]        1st. The Magi who are politicians and public leaders. INCENSE.

I connect this to the incense the gift of the incense, and the gift of the incense or the worship. I bring this up politicians and public leaders, we have a temptation, a temptation or a tendency to make our politicians or our leaders into Gods into idols. But no woman or man in a politically elected office is a God, they do not need us to worship them.

They need us to worship for them, to pray for them. Pray for their for their conversion for their souls, and that they will use their power to protect all people to protect the unborn, the vulnerable to protect the elderly to protect children, everyone from In fact, everyone from a child in foster care to an elderly person in a nursing home.

Everyone in public office is called to offer incense and observance in relation to God.

So the incense reminds us to pray for leaders.


[__05_]        2nd. The Magi who are SCIENTISTS +  TECHNOLOGY LEADERS. GOLD.

The gold symbolizes wealth. Because where can you make the greatest possible amount of money these days? It's in science or technology. It's in Silicon Valley, or in some other Silicon Valley or Silicon Alley in Manhattan, or some other technological hub.

 Where can we make big money we can make big money by developing a vaccine the fastest possible upload speeds. The sleekest phones. The best-selling phone, tablet. Science is gold.

But, do scientists, do you and I in our scientific ident identities and endeavors give ourselves to God?

Now you might say to me, Hey, Padre, I'm not a scientist. I didn't. I didn't memorize the periodic table of the elements. I didn't invent AMZN or Facebook.

But we're living in a very scientific and technology driven world these days. You are told, I am told again and again, follow the science. Sometimes that almost sounds like follow the science and science is an idol.

But we are called to follow this. But if we're called to follow the science, we're also called to follow that science is also God's gift of understanding, for example, how we are made that we are made in His image and likeness, female or male to teach others about the science of living authentically female and masculine lives, which is neither a life that is passive nor toxic. Science is gold. Science makes many things that's not a bad thing. Science makes money that's not a bad thing.

But we also need the light of Christ to give back our gold in respect to God. Doing so will help us to rest better.


[__06_]        3rd. The Magi who are EVERY PERSON. LIFE/DEATH. MYRRH.

Myrrh is an embalming or an anointing used for someone who is dying or has died. Oil signifies life and death.

We are living through and suffering through a pandemic of global proportions right now. The gift of the myrrh reminds us that our earthly lives are finite and that we ultimately will surrender ourselves to God.

I pray that there will always be Magi or wise men in your life wise men and women in your life and my life will treasure you for who you are at every stage of your youth, your middle age, your elderly age.

However, our lives do not have value just because we are healthy or just because we are living.   Our lives have value as we suffer and even after we die.

Christmas and New Year's are reminders and celebrations of Christ the child, but it is also remember remembrance that we are all children. And as children, we belong to someone else. This is the definition of being a child, a child belongs to someone else. And in the theology of the Incarnation, it is God who


WHO.. fosters us with His love, so that we and fosters us with His grace so that we can always grow in holiness.  All of us are FOSTER CHILDREN, all of us have been adopted by God.

 FORGIVENESS. And, for those who have ears to hear and eyes to see, we belong to God who forgives us of our sins, we are called to repent and to ask God for help,

FONDNESS. and to remember that God is fond of us, God gave His life for us, gave his light for us in his journey to the cross for you and for me, and he leaves the light on for you and me. We come to him with our gifts. We are also the Magi.

We have seen his star at its rising and we have come to do him homage”.  (Matthew 2:2)


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