Thursday, November 27, 2014

Christ the King (2014-11-23)

Christ the King, 23 November 2014

[__01]   “When did we see you?”

This question about a recognition, an encounter, and an exact date and time is part of the Gospel parable on this Sunday of Christ the King.
“When did we see you?”

[__02]  This question about RECOGNITION – ENCOUNTER – DATE – TIME – may also come up in our every day meetings and reunions.

Recently, many of us at Lourdes were blessed to participate in the Solemn Mass and Celebration, to observe the 100th Anniversary of our parish.

  • “When did we see you?”
  • “When did I last see you?”
  • “When did we most recently – or last – see each other?”

These are typical questions at a reunion of old friends, of classmates, of family.

Sometimes, it is difficult to recall.

The reunion itself can feel overwhelming with a large crowd people and memories all in one room.

[__03]   Recently, I also attended a reunion of some high school classmates. I found we were not only reminiscing about about events from years ago. We were also trying to calculate – and conclude – when and if our paths had crossed since graduation, since that last summer vacation?

When did we see you?

[__04]    With one particular classmate, I had forgotten one important fact…although he did not seem to mind. I had forgotten completely that – for several years – we lived in the same town, went to the same church…and saw each other almost every week …for a few years in a row.

I actually needed him to remind me of this fact about the RECOGNITION, ENCOUNTER, the DATE, the TIME.

When did I last see you?  Wasn’t it thirty years ago …. Let’s go on to the next question.

[__05]   And, in the Gospel parable on this Sunday of the Solemnity of Jesus Christ the King, we are asked …

“when did we last see Christ our Lord?”

Through the parable, we are reminded of our own Catholic tradition and teaching that our Savior is visible, is recognized, is encountered, and is seen.

[__05.01]     At Mass/ Sunday Mass, in the Gospel and the Biblical readings.  We see Christ the King.

Before we would read the Gospel, we pray that the Lord be on our mind, on our lips and on our heart. We make the VISIBLE sign of the cross so that he will be visible to us.

We do so also so that our Savior will be visible (and audible) in our actions and words.

We pray that also that he will be perceptible – perceived – in our minds so that we may form the right intentions and recognize the right paths.

When did we see you?

[__05.02]     We also read in the Gospel about the recognition and encounter of Jesus n our prayer as a community, as a parish and church.

Jesus says to his disciples in the Gospel,

“Where two or three are gathered in my name, there I am in the midst of them.” (Matthew 18:20)

 In this regard, the Lord is particularly visible – noticeable – in Sunday Mass, in our prayer, our singing, our reception of Holy Communion.

  [__05.03]    When did we last see you?

These are not only questions for Saturday/Sunday Mass and the encounters scheduled at  5:30, 7:30, 9:30, 11:30.

This is also a question for our life, at home, at school, at work,  and among family and friends.

 [__06]   Consider that we – as families are called to help, sustain, fortify, encourage each other.

This does not necessarily mean every moment – every encounter – will be filled with laughter. There will be times of pain or anxiety.

There will be times, even, of alienation, separation, estrangement.

At these times, we are called to pray for each other, to gather as 2 or 3 in his name.

Lord, when did we last see you?  When did we last pray for a specific need of ours, a specific person.

Prayer is about our communion and reunion.

[__07]   Jesus tells us through this parable about service, humility.
And, that we can encounter him, recognize him, see him.

“As often as you do this for one of the least brothers and sisters of mine, you did it for me.”

So, in our own moments of prayer and recollections of these moments, these opportunities to serve..Jesus answers the question …

“when did we last see him?”   [__fin__]   

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