Sunday, July 20, 2014

14th Sunday, Year A (2014-07-06)

[__01__]    There are many tests of endurance, tests of perseverance – which we might experience.

In high school, college and other classroom settings, the academic homework is test of our patience, a challenge to our mental and physical strength at times.

Is this yoke easy? Is this burden light. Often it is not, it is a heavy difficult burden. But, in the middle of summer, when many students are off – and not doing homework – we may for the moment not recall the burden.

We are in a physical and mental sense – as Jesus says  -- “finding rest for ourselves.”

[__02__]    The classroom and academic life are just one example of a burden.

Some of us may have particular responsibilities at home, responsibilities which we cannot be evaluated in terms of a grade point average, financial aid, or a salary or hourly wage.

We may, for example, have the burden of care, the burden of care at home for a parent, a spouse, child, a friend.

We will try our best to love the other person, to be generous…but there will be certain responsibilities which are at times…heavy …though not measured in kilograms or pounds …nevertheless, the gravity of the situation pulls upon our shoulders.

This can be uncomfortable, difficult.

[__03__]      Through this Gospel passage in Matthew, chapter 11, the Lord is inviting us to come to him with our burdens … with the weight that is upon is physically, mentally, emotionally…

[__04__]     A person with professional lifting experience… say a body builder or a piano mover  – can make the burden of several hundred pounds appear easy.

They have practiced, lifted many barbells, dumbbells … for them, we might say, the burden is always light and well balanced from side to side. 

Of course, these lifters and movers – professionally – know exactly how and when to lift… They understand the burden not only in terms of its weight but also its degree of difficulty.

[__05__]    Coming to the Lord in prayer, we are also asking for the same insight, intelligence, awareness.

We are asking the Lord to counsel us, advise us… regarding what burden to lift or bear first… for we cannot lift everything all at once.

[__06__]   When we come to Sudnay Mass, when we come to confess our sins, when we come to pray, we are also called to put down our burdens, boxes, baggage… if not also the barbells.

 [__07__]    Do you and I have decisions to make?  

Put them in God’s presence, in God’s hands, ask God to help us to know the full dimensions of height, weight, length…

We might ask ourselves… regarding our burdens, responsibilities… We might ask – for whom do I carry this weight, this cross? Is it is only to prove something to myself? Am I willing to carry this burden for God and for the good of my neighbor … my loved one?

  [__08__]     In prayer, we are also called to put down our burdens … so that the Lord might evaluate them …and also that he might – at the next step … help us to lift them, help us to continue.

His yoke is easy and his burden is light.    [__fin__]

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